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The next morning, Damien wakes up unbearably hot. He's on the verge of sweating as he stirs awake. He opens his eyes and smacks his teeth.

"Raina." He says her name, nudging her shoulder a few times. She tightens her arms around him out reflex and he nudges her a bit harder. Her eyes open and she immediately takes her arms off of him.

He doesn't bother to say anything to her about it. She knows what she's done. He gets up and goes to the bathroom, taking his phone with him. While he's in there, Raina sits up and looks out of the window.

It's a sunny morning, as expected. That means it's going to be hot as hell by midday. Damien comes back in the room and leans on the bed.

"You good?" He notices her zoned out expression and questions her. She turns to look at him, startling from her thoughts.

"Yeah." She says quietly as she looks at him, eyes darting away from his every few seconds.

"Gimme a kiss."

She leans over in the bed and pecks his lips.

"What time your parents said they were coming?" He asks as he walks around the room, grabbing clothes for the day.

"Seven. They won't be able to drive out until my dad gets off work at five."

"Cool. We should be back by six at the latest." He says casually.

Raina looks at him. "We? Where?"

"Yeah. My friends want to go to out today. There's a bash to kick-off the summer. Music, food, drinks. It's right next to my homeboy's lake house so we'll still be able to get in."

Damien explains as he walks into the bathroom.

"Can't I just stay home?" She asks as she sinks back into the bed. He rolls his eyes in the bathroom.

"No. How do you expect to get any better if you don't go out? That's why you're so awkward all the time. You don't talk to people. You can't expect to learn how you're supposed to act in social settings if you don't get out." He turns the knob to the shower, drowning out the rest of his words.

Raina sits on the bed becoming nervous about having to leave.

She doesn't like being in public. She would much rather prefer to stay in the house all day where she's in her own bubble. She doesn't have to talk to anybody here.

She procrastinates for several more minutes before getting up to find some clothes for the day. What she picks is something that she knows that she'll be comfortable in. Damien comes in from out of the shower with just a towel around his waist.

She averts her eyes as he drops it to dry off. She grabs her lotion and a washcloth before heading out of the room. She strips in the bathroom and takes her time in the shower. It isn't as long as the one from the day before but it still hits 30 minutes.

At that point, she turns the water off and opens the window as she dries off. The bathroom airs out as she puts lotion on her legs and arms. She gets dressed in the bathroom before walking back to the bedroom.

Damien looks her up and down with his lip turned up. "Why are you wearing that?"

She looks down at her attire and sees nothing wrong.

"It's gonna be damn near 92 degrees today and you got on leggings and a long sleeved shirt. You gonna burn up in that." He opens her dresser and sifts through it. He has to go through the last drawer to find what he's looking for.

"Here. Put this on." He hands her a short sleeved cropped top and some short jeans shorts. She holds her hand out hesitantly and he drops them. With no further argument, she starts walking out of the room and he rubs his forehead.

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