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A nice autumn day. The remaining heat of the summer is spreading over these last couple weeks of September, gracing the city with weather in the 70s. The weather fluctuations did just as Jungkook said they would. He's a sneezing mess.

"Take a tissue." Raina offers him the box and he shakes his head as he walks to the bathroom. He opens the drawers and sifts through them.

"I'm fine, baby. I just have to- achoo!- take my allergy medicine."

"You sound really congested. I think you should relax for the day. I'll make you some tea with ginger and honey."

Jungkook sniffles and looks at her. "We have to go to the drugstore. I'm out of allergy stuff. And I know this looks bad, but I've been worse. This is nothing."

He sneezes as he walks by her to get his keys. He sneezes on the way down the stairs. He sneezes on his way out the door and that's what puts the nail in the coffin. Raina takes the car keys from him.

"You're sneezing like crazy and we haven't even gotten outside yet. We'll go get your allergy medicine and when we come back, I'm making you the tea and you're taking a nap. If you don't feel at least a little better by the time your meet and greet comes, I really don't think you should go."

Jungkook looks at her, finding nothing but sincerity in her eyes. Raina's hands are holding his as they stand by the front door.

She's genuinely concerned for him and he wouldn't have doubted it for a second. She also looks like she's really not going to be happy if he goes out while he's not feeling well.

"Okay. I'll get allergy medicine then we can make tea and I'll nap. If I'm feeling better, I'll call Tae and tell him."

"I know you really want to see them, but you can always reschedule it. They might be a little disappointed but they'll understand." She pushes the length of his bangs behind his ear.

"Yeah, I know." Jungkook kisses her nose. "Let's just hope I feel better though."

Raina laughs as he opens the door. They walk out hand in hand and split as she unlocks it. Jungkook locks the house up and then walks to the passenger door.

"I've never driven a Mercedes before." She says excitedly. Jungkook laughs at her as she sits in the driver seat. She looks at everything before adjusting the seat for her height. She checks the rear view and side mirrors before pushing the car to start and pulling out of the driveway.

She's surprised by how smooth it drives and there's a grin as she drives onto the expressway. Jungkook plays Kendrick Lamar on the aux and rolls his window down a bit for air.

Raina slowly picks up speed in the car as she becomes less afraid of it. She drives it the way that she drives her car but a bit more careful. Jungkook smiles as he puts his head back against the seat. Seeing her drive his car is attractive as hell to him.

They make it to the drugstore and buy his allergy medicine. He also grabs a bottle of Gatorade. As they're passing aisles, Raina looks down them.

"Oh." She stops by the feminine product aisle and walks down. Jungkook follows her and she looks at him as she teaches for a box of tampons.

Damien would've brought his ass down this aisle. But then again, he wouldn't have done a lot of things that Jungkook has. They are definitely not the same men... in any sense.

"You're on your period again?" His face twists in confusion.

"Yeah." She tells him casually.

"I know that's how they work but shouldn't there be more time in between? It's only been three weeks."

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