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When Jungkook and Raina arrive at the beach, he goes out onto the sand and gets everything together first. As he's setting up their little spot, their friends walk over.

"Where's Raina?" Amir asks. "She wanted to stay home?"

"Now you know damn well he wouldn't be here if she did." Jimin says.

"She's in the car. She's coming." Jungkook tells them. "About that, actually. She's in a bathing suit. Try not to be too-."

"Goddamn, she looks good. How her boobs just sit up like that?" Vena looks at her own chest and then back at Raina.

That draws the attention of everybody else. Jimin's eyebrow raises in proud shock before he realizes what Jungkook was going to say. It's okay to compliment her but don't make it centered on her. She doesn't want all that attention.

Amir looks at Vena and flicks her neck. "Stop it. Your boobs look great."

"No, I know. But.. damn." Vena puts her hands on her hips. "Maybe I like girls now."

"That's not how that works." Jimin says.

"Fight me." Jungkook tells her before they all start laughing about it. Raina walks over and waves to them shyly.

"Where'd you get your bathing suit from? That's cute." Vena inquires.

"Uhm, a store in the mall. I can't remember the name off the top of my head. I don't usually go in there. I'll have to check the receipt for it."

"It's past American Eagle by the Swarovski store. That area." Jungkook explains.

"Oohhh. I never go in there. I might have to knowing they have cute stuff."

"They really do." Raina nods. "I got a couple things from there."

"Kook, come help me with the volleyball net." Jimin says, tilting his head toward it. They walk away together and Jimin looks back to make sure Raina is out of earshot.

"I saw Damien like 15 minutes ago. He didn't see me but he's here with his friends."

"What? I thought had an out of town thing?" Jungkook asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"He probably did and came back. It's four o'clock so he's had time to get back home, shower, whatever. He and Raina aren't together, he doesn't have to tell her where he is anymore. That's not the problem though."

Jungkook looks at him. "What do you mean?"

"That girl that was at that get together thing he invited us to that night? She's here with him. I mean duh, they're friends but they were a lot touchier than that." Jimin says as they start fixing the net.

"You think they're messing around?"

"Would it really surprise you if they were?"

"No." Jungkook deadpans.

It's not even anything that he has to think about. It makes sense. Damien is always pushing Raina, trying to force her to be the way that Justice is. Even going as far as forcing her to dress like the woman. And said woman is always finding something to nitpick at her about. Damien does and says nothing to defend her, hiding behind the rouse of 'it's a joke.'

"I'm just telling you so that if need be, and she does see them, you're prepared for the things that will inevitably follow that." Jimin states.

Jungkook gives him a look. There is no way in hell he's going to let either one of them disrespect her in any way in front of him.

"I know." Jimin says. "But I'm just letting you know."

"I got her. We're not worried about him."

"Figured you'd say that."

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