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The next morning is an odd one for Raina. For one, she wakes up wrapped in warmth. For two, the first thing that she smells is bacon. And three, there's a whole mini concert going on behind her.

Jungkook is playing air guitar to Paramore while Jimin uses chopsticks to air drum. They're not trying to be loud but their quiet snickering and laughter is still out of the norm for the woman in the house to hear.

"Flip the bacon before it burns, dummy."

That's the first sentence that she hears. She sits up, rubbing her eyes and yawning.  She looks around and remembers where she is.... and why. Her face warms from embarrassment and she grabs her phone to call Damien. It goes straight to voicemail and she texts him to call her when he sees her message.

"Good morning, Raina!" Jungkook speaks from the kitchen. She turns around and waves to him. She's not fully awake yet. He's got a bright smile on his face when she makes eye contact with him.

"Good morning." She says quietly.

"Are you not a morning person? I can turn off the music."

"It's okay. I don't... really have a preference."

Jungkook lets her talk but the hesitance in her tone worries him. He's not sure if she means it or if she's just saying it not to inconvenience him.

"I like Paramore."

That sentence... the one right there. He's happy now. She looks away from him as his smile grows, feeling weird for looking at him for so long. It doesn't really help that she finds him attractive either. It makes her feel kind of guilty knowing that she has a boyfriend. But there's nothing wrong with acknowledging when a person is attractive... right?

He isn't an ugly man by any means. She just thinks he's cute.

"Do you also like breakfast sandwiches? Homemade?" He asks as he takes the bacon out of the pan. He puts it on a plate with the rest of it that he made. Jimin scrambles eggs next to him.

"I've never made one at home but I'm sure it'll be fine."

"What?" He asks in exaggerated disbelief. "I got you. I'll make it for you. Just sit there. I'll bring it over." He pops two pieces of bread in the toaster and pushes the lever down. A thought pops into his head and he turns back to her.

"Unless you have to use the bathroom. Then you can move... because it'd be barbaric to make you sit there and wait. That wouldn't make much sense."

Raina listens to his rambling and thinks that its endearing. A smile creeps onto her face, the green of her brackets show a little. Jimin starts laughing at his friend who realizes what he's doing. He exhales through his nose and fights his smile.

"Sorry. I talk a lot." He apologizes as his cheeks start to blush with pink. This makes Jimin laugh even harder.

"It's okay." Raina's face warms at his suddenly shy nature. He shakes his head at himself before turning around and taking the pan of eggs from Jimin. He's laughing too hard to pay attention to them.

The toaster pops and Jungkook pulls the bread out putting it on a plate. He butters them then places three breakfast sausages on one slice with some eggs on top. A zigzag of syrup goes on top of that and then he puts the bacon. He gives another zigzag of syrup before putting the top piece of bread on the sandwich.

He looks at his masterpiece before grabbing cups from the cupboard. Pouring orange juice, he fills them up. He brings Raina's plate and drink over to her and stands there.

"Try it."

He looks excited and expectant as she picks up the food. She takes a bite and chews slowly. The flavors of the sandwich fill her and she's pleasantly surprised. She isn't sure what she was expecting but it wasn't five star chef quality.

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