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One of the best nights of sleep that Raina has ever gotten. One of the most peaceful rests that she's had in a while. The night was lovely, her date was beautiful. She was nervous at first but quickly grew comfortable. Jungkook made sure that she enjoyed herself. A wonderful gesture that assured her happiness would leak into the next day.

And it has.

At ten in the morning, Raina woke up. She was still a little tired but couldn't fall back asleep. Deciding to just get out of bed, she did her morning routine and made breakfast for herself. She cleaned her mess up, grabbed her book and went out to the bench swing.
That's where she currently sits criss cross as she reads page by page.

Immersed into her reading, it takes her phone dinging two times in a row for her to acknowledge it.

Kook🕷♥️: good morning. Are you
going to be busy today? If not, do you
want to come to my shoot with me?

It's a Calvin Klein one for an exclusive
drop. A graffiti collection that I may or
may not have helped design

Are you going to be naked?

And really?! That's so cool. Do they give
you merch to take home? They should

They're sending me a merch box before the collection drops

And I'll only be half naked. Not the whole
time though. It's not a personal shoot so I
won't be the only model there. You don't
have to be in the shoot room for that if
it'll make you uncomfortable. I'll have a
dressing room

Raina's fingers hover over the keyboard as she thinks about it. It's just a photo shoot. It's not like they'll be alone in the room together at any point. She knows Jungkook well now so she wouldn't be too nervous about being there with lots of other people.

And plus, she will get to see how normal photo shoots are run. With models, photographers, creative directors. The whole nine.

Okay. I wanna go 😊

She reads the text back and internally cringes. Maybe that was too excited. Was it too much? She barely had to think about it. She knew what her own answer would be as soon as he asked.

It'll be a good way for me to see how
things work. I'll pay attention this time

I'll introduce you to the
photographer. Maybe he'll be
able to give you some insight
from his perspective if there's time

Raina gasps quietly as she reads the message. She's about to text him back when the side door opens. She turns her head in that direction and sees Damien standing in the doorway.

"Come with me somewhere right quick."


"Justice having a bonfire at the lake tonight. She short on some stuff so I offered to pick it up. Just come on, Raina. Asking all these questions."

"I only asked one." She says as she stands up.

"Okay well, you usually don't ask me nothing. This what I was talking about. It's too early for this shit. What's good with you?" Damien asks as she passes by him to walk into the house. She sighs quietly in annoyance.

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