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The sun has set on the city, signifying the official end to the day. Approaching nine o'clock, the sky is dark and the stars are out. It's a nice night. A warm one with a subtle breeze. It would be even more beautiful had Raina not been stuck in a place that she specifically said she didn't want to be.

With people that she doesn't even like.

The sound of laughter fills the area as Raina, Damien and his friends sit around the fire pit. They're at the beach by the lake, making s'mores and conversation. They're laughing, talking and having fun while Raina types on her phone. She's playing Uno in the group chat while simultaneously telling them how much she doesn't want to be where she is.

Vena: do you need an extraction?

Amir: I'll act like I'm drowning. Come
save me

Kook🕷♥️: She can't swim..

Amir:... then you drown and I'll save you

Boy what?🤣

Vena: You have like no good ideas
to spare, do you?

Kook🕷♥️:😭 Amir shut up. I'll
take her home when she's ready

Jungkook and their friends are also at the beach having a bonfire of their own. Raina didn't know that they were having one earlier in the day. It was an impromptu event that he was told about and invited her to.

She was happy to agree to go but then remembered that Damien and his friends were having one at the same beach. She didn't want to risk running into him after she said she didn't want to go because of the lake.

"What got you all smiley over there?"

Raina almost frowns at the sound of Damien's voice.

"Group chat." She replies simply.

"You making other friends to talk to? What, we not good enough for you or something?"

Raina looks at Justice from over the top of her phone. The woman is looking right at her. She holds eye contact for a little while longer but says nothing. She looks back down at her phone as it becomes her turn in UNO again.

"Why you act like you can't speak around us but talk to people you just met with no problem? Don't you got a people problem?"

Raina snaps her eyes up to Justice, unable to hide the way that her face screws up.

"Because I don't fucking like y'all." She says as she stands up. She slides her feet into her sandals. She starts walking off and Damien smacks his teeth and sighs, following after her.

"Here she go." He mumbles. "Raina, come on. You doing too much. We tryna chill and you trippin."

"Tripping? You let her say whatever she wants to me and you never say anything to her about it!" Raina yells at him as her eyes water.

"Because it's a joke, Raina! You act like you can't take a fucking joke. You always crying about shit." He yells back at her.

"Her making fun of my anxiety is not a joke, Damien!"

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