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"Why is every man in this building dressed like they belong in a business meeting?" Jungkook asks as he looks around. The amount of suits in one place makes him feel like he's in a corporate office building.

There is no reason he should feel like he's working while he's out having fun. What's the point of that?

"Maybe you should expand your lookbook."

"It is at maximum expansion. I just don't agree with bringing work to the club, you know? It's a mood dampener." He defends his decision as the bartender hands them their shots. Jungkook knocks his back, ready to drink like his life depends on it.

"Whatever you say." Jimin takes his shot and grabs another. Leave it to these two to be able to drink like fish. Jungkook snickers at his response before grabbing another shot. He knocks it back and walks to the dance floor. Women grab his attention and of course, he indulges in it.

He is not innocent when it comes to garnering women. He seldom takes advantage of it. The extent that it usually goes is this. Dancing in clubs, talking at parties, hanging out in public. He's not an idiot and he wasn't born yesterday.

Before he earned the money that he did, women thought he was annoying and loud. And while one could argue that it may be true, one thing that he isn't, is a damn dummy. He dances with many different women, drawing in more as time goes on.

One minute he's got the attention of four women, the next his is focused on one.

Zeroing in on her body language and how uncomfortable that she looks, Jungkook spots Raina from across the club.

Her fingers are clasped in front of her as she stands against the wall. She's not looking at the man speaking to her, she's staring at the crowd, eyes darting around.

She still can't find Damien. The only person that she knows and she cannot find him.

She feels someone looking at her from the side and turns her head.

"Hey. You here by yourself?" The man asks. Raina shakes her head.

"No. My boyfriend is here too. He's a club owner." She lets him know about Damien hoping that will keep him off her back. She doesn't feel like talking right now.

Th man looks around and then back at her.

"Where is he?"

Raina stands there, thinking quickly. If she tells him that he's out dancing, he may take that as initiative to keep talking to her.

"He went to get us drinks. He'll be back in a second."

"Why didn't you go with him? He left you over here by yourself. Point him out. I'd like to talk with him." He doesn't believe that she came with anyone. It wouldn't make sense for her to be left by herself standing at the edge of the dance floor. She's not dancing or anything either so she's an obvious sore thumb.

"Hey, you okay over here?"

Raina turns at the sound of another voice and is relieved to see someone familiar. Jungkook stands close by her and the man speaking looks at him. He perceives him to be a stranger by context of words and body language.

"She's good, man. We're just talking, having a conversation." He assures. Jungkook's eyebrow twitches.

"If I can see how uncomfortable she looks from fifteen feet away, you should be able to see it from right in front of your face."

"Ah. Are you the boyfriend?" The man asks as he sips his drink. Raina feels weird about being in the middle of this. She hugs her arms to her body, rubbing them as her breathing starts to pick up. Her fingers grip her arms. The bass of the music is felt in her chest, it feels like it's throwing off her heartbeat.

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