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Exhausted isn't even the word.

Damien wakes with a throbbing headache. He groans as he rolls over onto his back in the bed. His arms sprawl out and he smacks his lips. The sun shines through the curtains, directly onto his closed eyelids. He scrunches his face and turns his head. He opens his eyes and blinks several times until they're in focus.

"Ugh. My god, bro. What the fuck." He sits up and puts his legs over the edge of the bed. He needs a second to get his bearings before standing up.

"Raina." He calls as he rubs his eyes.

"Raina, get up." He pats the bed behind him, yawning as he does so. When he doesn't feel her, he looks back at her spot. There's no body under the blankets, nor is there any indication that there recently has been. Her side of the bed is made up already.

He furrows his eyebrows and looks around the room.

"Raina!" He calls her name as he stands up. He walks into the hall and into the bathroom. She isn't in there but it smells of her soap.

Damien walks down the stairs and looks in the living room. She isn't there either.

"Where the fuck." He takes his phone from his pocket and calls her. It rings and rings before going to voicemail. He calls again and it does the same thing. He texts her asking where she is. As he waits for the response, he looks out of the window into their backyard.

There are red solo cups everywhere, empty chip bags on the floor and the empty liquor bottles are still on the counter. He furrows his brows at that. Usually, the yard is relatively clean the night after parties. He didn't think that the guests ever left messes like this. Damien walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. He goes to grab a bottle of water but sees that they have none.

In fact, there isn't much of anything in the refrigerator. He sighs and looks in the freezer to find that mostly empty as well. He and Raina will have to go grocery shopping today. Speaking of, he looks at his phone and sees that she hasn't texted nor called him back. He calls her for a third time, growing irritated with her not answering.

As the line rings, he looks out of the kitchen window. He sees the neighbor's house and then remembers. Jungkook took Raina to the grocery store and then dropped the stuff back off. He can't remember if she went back into the house or not.

"Oh, my god. This girl." He hangs the phone up and puts it in his pocket. He unlocks and opens the side door and puts his slides on. He walks across the yard to Jungkook and Jimin's house. Their curtains are white but they're opaque so he can't see through them. He rings the doorbell once then knocks on the door. He waits a few seconds and no response.

He does it again and hears a voice from behind.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He sound groggy and annoyed.

Jimin opens the door, shirtless and in yellow pajama pants. He's half sleep.

"Hey, man. My bad for waking you up so early. Is Raina here? I don't know if she came back home or not last night."

Jimin rubs his eyes and pushes his hair from his forehead.

"Yeah. She's sleeping." He tells Damien in his scratchy morning voice.

"Still? It's almost 11."

"She had a long night. She probably needs the rest."

"Damn. Well, can you wake her up for me? We gotta go grocery shopping and she need to come home anyway. I don't want her to be over here bothering y'all every time she act like that."

Jimin blinks at him, baffled by how uncaring he is right now. Not wanting to argue with this man, knowing how that will end up, he just obliges. He turns away and goes upstairs. He knocks on Jungkook's door and waits for a few seconds before opening it.

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