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"Okay, and can the account numbers be changed?" Raina asks the bank teller. She's trying to get all of her banking things in order and changed so that Damien has access to nothing. All ties need to be cut with him but this is a big one.

She's already changed all of the passwords to all of the accounts that she uses. She's gotten her debit card and credit card cancelled as well. She knows that Damien is good with numbers and memorizes all of his card and banking information. It wouldn't be surprising if he did the same to hers as well.

They're sending her a new credit card. And she also requested a new debit card. But in order to get the second, she first has to change the actual account information, checking and savings.

"The account numbers can't be changed. What we would have to do is close the current accounts and open new ones." The bank teller advises.

Raina sets the phone on the counter, putting it on speaker so that she can take the food out of the oven. Her and Jungkook wanted pizza and lucky for them, there was a frozen one in the freezer.

"Okay, that's fine." She puts the oven mitts on and open the oven. "Can the money be transferred?"

Jungkook walks into the kitchen from the living room and opens the fridge for a bottle of water. He looks at the pizza as Raina takes it out.

"...what money?"

Raina pauses with the pizza tray in her hand. She looks at her phone as her heart drops. All of the money in her checking account was from Damien. So if that's gone, then whatever. So be it. But her savings account? That was all hers.

She's been saving it since she was 19. Her grandfather left her and her parents a lot of money and she just let most of sit in the savings account for emergencies or if she ever wanted to use it for a big purchase.

"There's no money in either account?" Raina asks for clarification. Jungkook stops gulping the water down as his ears twitch.

"No. There was a transfer of money out to an external account ending in 7439."

Raina furrows her eyebrows and thinks. She doesn't even know any of Damien's information so she doesn't know what of his that is. But she knows he did it. He's the only one with her information.

Jungkook looks from the phone to her. He puts the cap on the water bottle and attempts to walks past her to the front door. She puts her hand on his chest to stop him.

"Was this not a valid transaction? Would you like to speak with the fraud department?"

"No." Raina says quickly. Jungkook looks at her like she's crazy. "Uhm, that's okay. Just.. can we close those accounts and open new ones, please?"

"Of course, we can, Miss Summers. Just give me one moment. I'm going to place you on a brief hold while I do this and then I'll be back on the line to give you the new checking and saving account numbers."

"Okay. Thank you." Raina mutes the phone when she's put on hold. She looks to Jungkook who, rightfully, looks pissed.

"Why did you tell her no? He can go to jail. That's theft. The money he took from your checking, whatever, fuck it. But your grandfather's money? Raina, no."

"It's fine." She says as her hands shake. "It's okay." She's admittedly very pissed off but Jungkook beating him up is going to solve nothing and she really doesn't feel like going through all of the mess that filing a fraud complaint will cause.

"I'll make it back." She makes up her mind on the spot. Her built up rage and frustration fuels her. She zones out as she thinks of everything she's going to have to do. "Yeah.. I'll make it back."

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