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"On a scale of one to ten, what do you rate cool ranch Doritos."

"Mmm, six... maybe a seven."

"What?!" Jungkook exclaims as his fingers clack against the keyboard.

He's playing Apex, streaming for 1.3 million viewers. They're in his gaming room and Raina is sitting on his chase in the background. She's eating frosted sugar cookies, dipping them into chocolate milk.

"They're good. But I like the original nacho cheese ones better. I like the classics, you know."

"Yes, I know. You own a turntable."

She smacks her teeth and almost throws the cookie at him. She stops herself and he looks back at her with narrowed eyes.

"Do it. I dare you."

"No." She squints her eyes back.

Jungkook gets killed in the game and she laughs at him. He turns back to the screen and smiles tight lipped. Trying not to laugh while the woman behind him is losing her shit is a difficult task.

He puts his head in his hands and groans before he starts laughing. He's not mad at all. He inhales deeply and sits back in the chair. Raina eats her cookie and he looks at her through the desktop.

Her hair is out with her bangs parted down the middle. She's been smiling more than usual today, in a very playful mood matching his usual behavior.

She drinks the rest of her chocolate milk and puts the cup on the floor. She reaches for the container of cookies and drops her tablet. A small gasp leaves her mouth.

"Dammit." She says as she picks it up.

Jungkook's eyebrows twitch watching her pick it up. He looks into the camera as he starts to smile at the realization. He licks his lips and then drags his teeth against his bottom before turning to look at her.

She wipes the screen of her tablet off and looks up at him.


He shakes his head but looks at her container.

"Can I have a cookie?"

"Your match is about to start." She nods her head in the direction of his monitors. He turns back as she stands up. She takes a cookie out of the container and breaks it into quarters.

Jungkook turns his head a little and Raina feeds him the cookie.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She says as she walks back to the chase. She starts reading her book, removing the marker from it. She's transitioned to reading the hardcover copy instead of from her tablet. It's refreshing and she prefers the paper as opposed to the technology.

For the last thirty minutes of Jungkook's stream, she reads and he wins the new match that he was in. They say goodbye and he ends the stream. Raina stands up and stretches and he does the same.

She walks into her music and inhales the scent of Dior and teakwood. The keyboard that Jungkook spoke about Jimin having has been put in. It has a note on it from the man himself.

You'll put this to better use than I'm currently doing. I'm too busy for it lately. Write me a song as a gift and we'll call it even :)


Raina smiles at it before putting it on the music desk. She cracks her knuckles dramatically and then chuckles at herself. She puts her fingers on the keyboard and thinks about what tunes to play. She pushes a few keys getting the feel, letting muscle memory kick in.

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