
10.5K 484 411

"I don't know if this is okay or not." Raina looks at herself in the mirror of her house. She came over to to get dressed and called Jungkook to hear him talk while she did it. She needed comforting reassurance.

"It's dropped to like 72 degrees and it's 8. It might get cooler as the night goes on. You should be fine. You're in a long sleeve shirt right?"


"Then you're okay. Come out when you're ready. I'm in front. Jimin's calling me."

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure I'd be warm enough. I'm coming."


They hang up and Raina grabs her keys and phone before she leaves. She goes outside and locks the door behind her. She gets into Jungkook's car and his soft scent wafts to her.

He's holding the steering wheel with his left hand and his phone to his ear with the other. His eyes drag up her body before meeting her gaze.

"Yeah..." He talks to Jimin on the phone. He swallows thickly and licks his lips as he looks at her. His hair is gelled lightly to keep it away from his forehead, adding a bit of shine to it.

Raina's thighs clench and she pushes them together in shock. A sudden wave of tingles just went through her and that's never happened before just from looking at a man. She doesn't know where the hell it came from.

Jungkook leans over the center console and Raina's heart skips as he kisses her. His heart rate sped up the second he saw her. He moves the phone's mic away from his mouth as he speaks to her lowly. "You look nice, baby."

She pulls her sleeves over her hands and gulps. "Thank you. You look really good, too."

"Really good?" He questions and she nods. He smirks at her and licks his lips again as he turns to face the road. He puts the car in drive and pulls off.

"Alright, Jimin. We're on our way. We'll meet you by the entrance... alright, bye." He hangs up and puts his phone in the cup holder.

Jungkook holds his hand out facing palm up and Raina slides her hand into it. Their fingers intertwine and he squeeze gently as he pushes on the gas. He gets on the expressway, headed for Center. He cracks their windows a little bit and the fresh air hits them.

She smiles as the city and cars race by them. Jungkook's car drives smoother than any vehicle she's ever been in. She's noticed that. Even with the speed he's going, she still feels completely safe and secure.

When they arrive in Center, Jungkook slows down for the busy streets. He parks two streets away from the festival and he and Raina walk the rest of the way. She swings their hands as she takes in the scenery around her. Everything has been decorated in many different styles, accommodating the different aspects of the festival.

As they round the corner that the entrance is on, Raina slows her happy steady walk. She sees the amount of people crowded around there and tenses up. Jungkook squeezes the hand that he's holding and her other one grabs his wrist for a more secure hold on him.

"You're okay." He assures her softly as they walks to stand in a line. She leans her head against his arm and he kisses it.

"Where do you want food from first?" He asks. "They have a ton of food trucks. There's Mexican food, Jamaican food, Hawaiian, they have some traditional Japanese and Korean dishes. They've got Indian food. Ou, look. They have an Ethiopian food truck this year." He points and Raina looks.

She scans all of the food trucks lined along the streets but spaced far enough apart to accommodate their patrons.

"I want to go there first. Whichever place has the least amount of spice."

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