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The bright white lights beam down into the venue. They're hot and so are most of the people in the building. The air conditioning is blasting but the guests are in fur coats and custom Givenchy. Mugler, Louis Vuitton and Gucci.

It's expected attire on site of the New York Fashion Week. What could be expected? Especially when the new collection of Versace is being put on display. Models walk up and down the runway showing off the newest ready to wear fashion.

The lights in the venue dim as the last model walks off the strip. The people in attendance clap as Donatella Versace herself walks out onto the platform. She smiles and waves as she walks up.

She blows kisses to the left side's front row causing Jungkook, Vena and Amir to playfully swoon.

"Thank you, thank you. I've recently had the pleasure of designing some of the most beautiful pieces with two of the most beloved men in the fashion industry. Well, one is of the fashion industry. The other prefers his streaming services." Donatella jokes and Jungkook laughs as he claps.

"I met Jungkook about a year ago. He contacted me about designing that gorgeous dress that you saw his fiancé in six months ago. Since then, we've been designing pieces together for not only her, but the general public as well. I am so proud and so very happy to announce this collaboration between us."

The lighting in the venue changes as the models get ready for their cue to walk.

"Donatella Versace and Jungkook Jeon." She gestures to the back and walks off the runway.

Everyone turns the attention to the scene as the music starts and models walk down. Jungkook pays close attention to them as they strut. Vena is taking pictures of some of her favorites and air dropping them to Amir.

He side eyes her and she laughs.

"I'm pretty sure Jimin can get them for you. Why would we pay for them?"

"Because this is Versace, not Calvin Klein. You never know." Vena shrugs.

"That man can sweet talk his way into anything. I think he'll figure it out." Amir says. "But if he can't then I'll get them for you." He intertwines their fingers and kisses the back of her hand.

"Thank you, baby. You're so sweet. I'll make it up to you later." Vena puts her hand on his thigh and rubs.

"Watch it, Ve. They have private bathrooms in this building." He warns.

"You wouldn't want to miss our baby walking down the runway for that though, would you?"

"No, actually. I'll wait. That way I can tell him you're provoking me in public and we'll see how well that goes."

"I'll tell him you were staring at that model in his underwear."

Amir shrugs. "You were gonna tell him either way. I don't being punished." He leans in to talk to her. Goosebumps spread across her skin. "You, however, have three holes that can be filled and I don't think he'll be nice enough to let you choose which ones this time."

Vena gulps as she gets chills up her spine.

"Guys, I think they're coming out soon." Jungkook excitedly taps Vena's leg. There's a bright smile on his face and his eyes are trained on the runway.

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