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Had you asked Raina what she'd be doing a month ago, she would have said in her bedroom reading a book. Or sleeping endlessly. Or reading on her tablet.

She would not have said sitting in a stadium and actually enjoying a baseball game. She would not have said making conversation with strangers. Or smiling and laughing with her neighbor. Raina most definitely would not have said on a date with one of them.

"It's the last inning? There's only nine right?" She clarifies as she watches the field.

"Right. It's the last one." Jungkook confirms as he chews his popcorn. He's been explaining the game to her as it's played. She was confused for a little while but she's getting it. She's starting to understand it bit by bit.

"Okay, okay. I'm catching on. They on a timeout or something right now?"

"Something like that-."

"Oh, they're doing kiss cam. Look." Raina points to the big screen with a smile on her face. Jungkook watches as each couple kiss and embrace each other on such a large scale publicly. Their shows of affection for one another is something that he can't wait to participate in.

He turns his head to Raina and she's already looking at him. They're both thinking the same thing but they'll wait until they get out of here for it. She doesn't know how she feels about all that attention on her.

Jungkook holds her hand in his for contact comfort until the end of the game. When the fireworks start, they watch them and take pictures. This is really what they came for. But he can't buy tickets for only the end and she had never been to a game before so it's a win-win.

They leave the stadium in the middle fireworks, wanting to beat the rush of traffic that will take place from the let out. Jungkook and Raina are on a serotonin high leaving. She holds his hand skips to his Jeep with him walking behind. There's a smile on his face as he watches her. He's so happy to see her like this.

They get to the Jeep and hop inside. Raina buckles her seatbelt as he turns the car on. His phone automatically connects to the aux and she gasps when she hears Coldplay. She turns the volume up and Jungkook can't think of how fitting of a soundtrack this is for her.

When they first met, Raina preferred to sleep rather than be awake simply because she didn't want to deal with anything in her reality. She uses books to escape it, she uses music to escape it. Anything, really, to pull her from her everyday life.

If Damien left her alone long enough, maybe she'd even get a daydream in.

Now she sleeps because she's secure. She sleeps around Jungkook and Jimin and only them. Because she isn't using it as a form of escape anymore. Her mind is finally taking the time to heal. She's not stuck in fight or flight anymore.

Raina is truly living in her safest space.

As the wind whips around them, she puts her hands up, letting the air escape through her parted fingers. Jungkook is going to have put the doors and roof back on his Wrangler soon. But for tonight, he'll let her have her fun. He'll laugh with her as she feels the freedom she hasn't felt in a long time.

They approach a red light and she takes her phone out for pictures. She snaps shots of Jungkook, both on guard and off. He laughs when he realizes she's taking photos of him. When he speeds off again, most of them get blurry. But that's okay, they're still good ones. Them smiling is still very clear.

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