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Jungkook holds the camera as he and Raina walk through the gaming store. She's looking at all of the technology, confused by the boxes and parts. She knew that building computers was difficult but she doesn't even know what the specs on this stuff is.

Even that part is confusing to her.

"I couldn't do this." She says all of a sudden.

"Do what?"

"All this. You're not confused? I mean, obviously not. But what the hell?" She scrunches her face up as she looks around. Jungkook snickers at the expression her face. He grabs the parts that he needs and they walk to the register. He pays for the parts before they leave, getting back into his car.

Placing the GoPro on its mount in the car, he sets it up for the drive home.

Raina sips her water as he pulls out of the plaza lot.

"I have a surprise for you when we get back." He tell her. She looks over at him, unsure of what it could be.

"What is it?"

"I'm not gonna tell you. That's the whole point."

He keeps his eyes on the road as she studies his side profile. His jawline is chiseled. It's obvious. The bulb of his nose is also a prominent feature.

"But that's mean."

They stop at a red light and he turns his head to her.

"Is it?"

It's flirty banter and he knows. It's flusters Raina as she looks at him. He licks his lips and her eyes drop to them quickly. Her lips part and she turns away as her face heats up. He smirks in success as he looks at the road. The light turns green and he pulls off.

Raina's heart beats quicker in her chest. Her body feels warm as she looks out of the window. Jungkook rolls both of their windows down a little to let in some air.

When they get to his house, Damien's car isn't in the driveway. She assumes that he left for work being that that's what he told her.

Raina unclicks her seatbelt as Jungkook turns the car off. They walk into the house and he puts the parts in his game room. She follows him up out of habit.

"Ready for your surprise?"

She looks at him suspiciously.

"Can you tell me what it is? Please?"

"No." He says as he laughs. "Close your eyes."

She sighs and does as she's told. Jungkook makes sure that the camera is on as he guides her to the third room. He opens the door and they step in.

She inhales and crinkles her nose in curiosity.

"Are those my candles?"

"Mhm." Jungkook says as he steps further in to get her reaction. He lit the candles and let them stay lit until the room was full of the scent. After that, he blew them out so that it wouldn't become overbearing.

"Okay. You can open your eyes now."

Raina moves her hands and gasps quietly as she takes in the entirety of the space.

The walls are painted brown with a tan colored trim. Accented with different shades of brown and beige butterfly decals, the walls stand out. There's a brown colored chase against the left side of the room's wall with the blanket that she always uses folded over the back of it.

There's a finished wood table against the wall in front of her. Sitting on top of it is a sleek black turntable. A Bluetooth one, completely new in design; the second version that was recently released.

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