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⚠️anxiety|panic attack

Monday night.

Raina stands at the bottom of the stairs as the party goes on around her. She didn't expect to wake up to this. Damien didn't tell her that he was having another party today. Maybe he should have given their almost empty cabinets.

She was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. Only then did she hear the music and loud chatter of people talking in her house. Damien called her form outside to ask her to go to the store. They're out of ice, beer and chips.

She agreed to go and hung up before he could say anything else. She got out of bed and got dressed. Now she's standing at the bottom of the stairs with all these strangers in her house, looking at her like she's the problem. She's standing on the stairs to get a better view of the tops of people's heads. Her eyes search the room for her boyfriend and can't find him.

"Who you looking for, Raina?"

Raina turns her head to see Damien's homegirl walking over with a cup in her hand. She's wearing jean shorts that barely contain the underside of her butt and a cropped top that that's thin enough for her to see the bikini top under it.

She surveys her appearance and commends her on the confidence. She then grows insecure almost immediately. Justice dresses the way that Damien tried to get her to dress. As her thoughts get to her, she wonders if she's the reason why. Raina has told him before that she's uncomfortable dressing that way. He responded that she's never going to be comfortable if she doesn't try.

Raina doesn't try though. She has never dressed that way on her own accord. It has always been him forcing the look upon her.

"My boyfriend." She finally replies.

"Oh, Damien. He outside with the boys. He said you're running to the store for us." Justice says.

Raina's top lip twitches as she takes the last two steps down. The way that she said that annoys her. She walks through the party with Justice in tow as she makes her way to the side door.

"You not hot in them clothes? It's mid 80s tonight and you wearing leggings and a long sleeve shirt."

"No." Raina replies simply. She opens the side door and steps out. She looks around and sees Damien smoking with his friends. She sighs heavily before walking over. She keeps a bit of distance, not particularly liking the smell of weed. It makes her nauseous.


"Yo? Oh hey, baby." He takes a hit and then passes it to his friend. "I need you to go to the store for me."

"Okay." Raina says, waiting for him to elaborate.

"We need chips, just like some Doritos and Lays brand type shit. Get two bags of ice and six cases of beer."

He gives her the cash for it and she takes it as she turns to walk away.

"Can you stop by the store and get me some wraps and hot sausages too?" Justice asks and Raina turns to looks at her.

"Yeah." She holds her hand out for the money and Justice looks at her hand.


"The money?"

"Girl, it's only a couple dollars." Justice says with an attitude.

"Raina just get the girl the damn wraps and shit. You act like you broke or something. Your money just sitting in your account." Damien adds to his friend's words.

"Not like you go anywhere to spend it. You scared of people like you never seen them before." Justice snickers at her own 'joke'. Damien chuckles and Raina looks between them.

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