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Eleven o'clock at night and Jungkook is taping off the trimming of the third bedroom in his house. He rips the last piece of blue tape, making sure that he got the corner really good. He pushes it in there and nods once, satisfied. He backs up, looking at the tape job.

The day that Raina brought all of her vinyls and music things over, he had an idea. One that was discussed but would have had to be held off, thanks to her boyfriend.

Damien works hard in his suppression efforts.

But Jungkook works harder in his silent encouragement. His efforts aren't intentional, but he would be lying if he said he hasn't thought about the woman that she is in her true nature. The thought makes him parched. Instantly.

He grabs the bottle of water out of his cargo pants and drinks from it. He looks around at all of the paint cans and inhales deeply. Jungkook ties his hair back from his forehead and opens the brown paint can first. He pours a good amount of it into the aluminum paint tray. He changes the rollers out before rolling it into paint.

Jungkook starts painting the walls of the room. With music playing, not loud enough to wake Jimin but enough to keep him focused, he's able to paint the first coat in an hour and a half by himself. He stays up practically all night painting the walls and trim of the room.

At 10 in the morning, Jimin wakes to the sound of his alarm going off. He opens the door to the third room and he smells paint as soon as it's cracked. He looks around and is shocked that he got all of it done in one night. He shuts the door back and walks to Jungkook's room. The door is wide open and said man is snoring.

He showered before he got into bed, which wasn't until an hour prior to Jimin's wake up. In just boxers and shorts, Jungkook is taking up the entire space of his bed. This is how sleeps every single night. It's one of the reason that Jimin found it funny the morning that he woke him up sleeping next to Raina.

He closes Jungkook's door as he walks out and starts getting ready for the day. He showers, gets dressed and makes breakfast. He knows that Jungkook won't be up any time soon so he doesn't cook for him. As he's playing his food, he sees the list of things in his roommate's rushes scrawl. He picks it up and looks at it.

It's a list of furniture items from the IKEA store. At the bottom of it, there is the current date and a noon delivery time. Jimin checks the time and his eyebrows raise. They should be there soon. He eats his breakfast while he waits for the delivery truck.

When he's finished eating, he clears the paint cans out of the room. He puts the cans in the basement and cleans the paintbrushes and trays. Those go into the basement as well.

The delivery truck comes and Jimin shows him what room to put the stuff in. The walls are dry for the most part but he still doesn't advise for anything to put against the walls. Jungkook will probably decorate everything to his liking anyway.

Jimin thanks the IKEA guys and crashes on the couch. He doesn't have to be at work until three today for fittings.

Jungkook wakes up around two o'clock. The first thing that he does is use the bathroom and brush his teeth. He checks the third room to see that the stuff was delivered before walking downstairs to make something to eat.

"I can't believe you stayed up all night." Jimin says to him.

"I had an energy surge. Might as well put it to good use." He replies, chugging down water and biting into a sandwich.

"Do you need help with the furniture? I mean, most of it is put together but the shelves and stuff."

"Yeah. I want to try to get it done today. All that's left is putting the stuff together, moving things where I want them and buying accessorizing pieces. After that it'll be ready."

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