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On a Tuesday morning, bright and early, Raina wakes up from her slumber. Her skin is damp from the light amounts of perspiration. She opens her eyes to see that she's laying on Damien's chest. She recoils quickly before he wakes.

Checking the time, she raises her eyebrows before getting out of bed. It's 9:30. She doesn't usually past ten o'clock. The quality of her sleep is lacking along with the time. Her sleep schedule is often out of whack from her midday naps.

Raina grabs clothes for the day and some towels as well. She goes into the bathroom to shower. She spends almost 40 minutes in there, basking in the heat as she washes her body. The scent of her body wash fills the room with the steam.

When she gets out, she opens the window to let it out. She dries off and gets dressed before going back into the bedroom. She tosses her clothes into the hamper by the window. The towel lands on the floor and she huffs, walking over to grab it.

She bends over to pick it up and movement catches her eye. She double takes at the sight of Jungkook's bare chest. She didn't realize that his room was directly across from hers.

He's toweling his hair dry and typing on his phone. Raina's gaze trails up his his body. The shorts that he's wearing show off the muscle of his thighs. They're a bit low on his hips showing off the sharp cut of his v lines.

He tosses the towel into his hamper and uses both thumbs to type. His tongue wets his lips before playing with the ring in his lower lip. The tattoos on his arm grab her attention as well as the piece on his chest.

Jungkook looks up suddenly, having the feeling of being watched. He sees Raina and smiles. He waves to her and her eyes widen. She sinks to the floor and puts her back against the wall. Her heart beats rapidly in her chest as she clutches the towel on her hand. The other is holding her chest.

Oh my god. He's gonna think I'm a creep now. Why did I do that? Uugghhh.

She puts her head back against the wall, groaning silently.

I should have waved back. Right? Should I have? Would that have been equally as weird? Maybe he wouldn't have thought that I was ogling him. I mean, I was-

Damien groans as he rolls over in the bed. Raina's head snaps in his direction and her heart rate goes up again. She holds her breath with wide eyes as he rubs his nose and turns his back to her, pulling the blankets up on his body.

When he relaxes into the mattress, she slowly releases the air trapped in her nose. She puts her head back against the wall, swallowing harshly.

I can get up now, I think. It's been long enough.

She waits for a minute before throwing the towel in the hamper and standing up cautiously. Her back is facing the window. She turns her head slowly and Jungkook is still standing there, with the same amused smile on his face. She turns her head quickly and walks out of the room.

Mortified, she walks down the stairs and grabs a glass of water. She chugs it down before standing at the kitchen counter.

I can never see him again. I can never show my face to him again. Oh my god, Raina. Seriously.

She puts her elbows on the counter, running her hands into her hair. She closes her eyes and breathes in and out of her nose to keep herself.

I can avoid him. I can do that. I don't have to see him again... but I have his shirt. He's probably going to want that back. But he's technically rich. He can just buy another one. He doesn't need that specific white shirt. He's a guy, those things come in packs for them. He does not need that shirt back.

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