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Early Wednesday morning, Jimin and Jungkook are up making breakfast and singing along to The Weeknd. They're happily reciting lyrics and dancing. They've got many things to be excited about. The week so far has been a great one.

Raina signed the modeling contract for their company, she's officially been verified on Instagram and Twitter, and her new debit and credit cards came in the mail. To add to that joy, she got booked for her first photoshoot with Calvin Klein and Nike.

Her manager is a really nice woman who was excited to tell her about the Nike one. Raina was overjoyed and ready to scream when she found out. She didn't have to tell Jimin and Jungkook because they were with her. But she did call and tell her mother.

She also told her mother that she and Damien aren't together anymore. That's not too surprising for her mother once she explains why. It's her father that neither of them say anything to about that. He's the one that holds the opinion that Raina worries about.

He will be fine with her not being with Damien, especially when he finds out everything that he's done and said to her. It's the fact that she's not dating a black man that will bring tension into the conversation.

Raina doesn't know how he'll actually react and she hates that he's going to have to find out sooner or later.

Her phone goes off as she's getting out of the shower and she looks at it. She has a meeting with the landlord today at the house next door. Damien may not be ready for it but that's not her problem. She told him to get ready to be out that house.

Whether he listened or not, is his business. All she's doing is going over and getting his name off of the lease. She's going to explain why and what's happening and boom. Damien needs to go. Simple.

Raina gets dressed in jeans, a t shirt and one of Jungkook's hoodies before walking down for breakfast. She hugs her boyfriend first, happy to see him again. She hip bumps Jimin after and he bumps her back.

They sit and eat together while they watch TV.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?"

"No, I'll be okay. He's on his way now. He texted me so I'm just gonna go in and make sure there isn't any damage or anything. And that the place is relatively clean so I don't get penalized. After that, I'll get him off the lease, watch him pack his shit and then come back over."

Raina has it all planned out so the men have no qualms about it. Worse comes to worst, they can see inside Damien's house through the kitchen and living room windows. Jungkook can see right into his bedroom. As long as she stays in those areas, they can keep an eye on her.

She finishes eating, cheeks the time and then heads over to the other house. She unlocks the door and steps inside. The first thing she notices are the solo cups all over the place. To her luck, that's the only thing that's a mess. She cleans them quickly and throws them into the trash.

As she's wiping down the counters, Damien comes downstairs. It's clear that he has an attitude. She doesn't understand why. Did he think that he was just going to get away with everything that he's done? Absolutely not.

Raina wasn't going to wait for karma do its thing. Fuck that.

"The landlord's gonna be here soon so I suggest you clean yourself up." She says without looking at him. He looks at her as he pours himself some water.

"For what?"

"So you can get out of my house. I told you this already."

"You need to let this shit go, Raina. I let a lot of shit that you did and that you do go. Constantly, recently." Damien replies.

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