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With a speaker connected to Jungkook's phone, music plays from it softly. The volume of the audio is at a perfect level to mesh well with the quiet moans coming from Raina's mouth.

They were napping after his stream when she felt the sudden need to antagonize him for pleasure. She never thought she'd feel this way again. She never expected to want to have sex again. The mere thought of it made her cringe. But now? Raina feels like maybe this is what she may need help for. Every time she sees her boyfriend, she wants to pounce on him.

Doing the simplest things like playing his online games or making food for them. When he pulls her closer simply for comfort or tells her she looks pretty. Even watching him get annoyed with something will do it to her.

She's sure something might be wrong for going from not wanting it at all to wanting it every other day. But she doesn't feel wrong. And neither does Jungkook.

His hands grip and massage her waist as she rides him. Her hands are on either side of his head as he she bounces on him. He licks his lips, gulping to wet his dry throat. His lips are parted as he moans.

Raina looks down at him as his face twists. His face scrunches and his eyebrows pinch together as his grip on her tightens.

"Don't stop." He moans, breathlessly. "I'm right there, baby."

It sends chills through her as her tired legs work to pull his nut from him. Hearing him moan gives her a sudden rush of adrenaline, keeping her on her feet as she speeds up her rhythm.

"Fuck... Raina." He wraps his arm around her and pushes deep before pulling out and cumming onto his stomach.

Raina smiles down at him proudly as he catches his breath. He side eyes her and she giggles. He puts his arm over his face as it heats up.

"It's not funny." He says, masking his own laughter. She hears it anyway as she gets up from the bed.

"Come on, minute man. We have to shower. My parents are gonna be here soon."

Jungkook smacks her ass as he gets up and she yelps before laughing.

"Watch it. It was fifteen." He corrects.

Record timing but they're in a rush. He also has no shame in saying that Raina is capable of making him nut in under twenty minutes. He could have extended it for as long as he saw fit. But again, they're in a rush and she was needier than ever. Why would he make her wait? He made her cum within  the first seven minutes. After that, she was gunning to get him to nut.

Raina loves him hearing him moan, she loves hearing him call her name as he cums. It's addicting and she gets her fix every time.

The couple showers together before going to start dinner for her parents. Jungkook really wants to meet them and has been asking about it for days. She held off on bringing it up to her mom for a while so that she could talk to Jungkook about her father.

She explained in the lightest way possible her father's ideology on her dating outside of her race and he understood, to an extent.

Jungkook understands the premise of why her father feels the way that he does. In theory, it makes sense. Who better to understand and relate to a black woman than her male counterpart, the black man? Culturally, ethnically, socially, the black man should be willing and able to understand the black woman in any and all situations. They should be the first ones to go to bay for and defend black women.

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