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After the premiere of the commercial, after people realize that the starting trio were present, phones are out as pictures and videos are being taken. Raina and Jungkook are in their own little bubble, stealing light kisses and never letting go of each other. Vena and Amir hug and congratulate all three of them but Raina especially.

There's a high this gives her that no drug could replicate. She's never been happier then she is in this moment. Her friends are here with her, her parents will be excited about the commercial when they see it and she's getting her revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge in the purest form. Though, Jimin is going to help her make it a little dirtier.

He stands on the velvet seats again and waves down the DJ. It's a friend of his so he obliges and lowers the volume. Jimin is passed a microphone and he thanks him.

"Thank you, Hector. Beautiful set up, by the way. I love it. But that's not what I'm up here to talk about. We're talking about our lovely woman, Raina." He gestures to her and her face warms but she smiles anyway.

"When we met Raina, she was very shy, kind of quiet and she wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this. Over the last almost five months, she's grown into the woman she is now. Wonderful, smart, sometimes she's funny."

Raina smacks her teeth and he laughs.

"The point is, she's grown into this amazing human and-."

"You gonna tell everybody she been fuckin on the neighbor, too? While we was together?" Damien speaks up, cutting him off as everybody turns to him.

"God, you're so predictable. You just can't keep your mouth shut while she's being praised. What's wrong with you?" Jimin narrows his eyes at him.

"Ain't shit wrong with me. I spent years helping this girl just for her to cheat on me 'cause y'all gave her attention."

"Cheat on you? But you were never together..?" Jimin says with a subtle tilt of his head.

"What?" Damien says, screwing his face up. "The fuck you mean. We was just living together and all that. We been together for damn near two years."

"No." Jimin shakes his head, feigning confusion. "If you were together, there'd be something to show for it. Pictures, videos, dates. Something, right?"

"What the fuck are you talking about? We just had a whole place together!" He shouts and Raina pokes her lips out, catching wind of Jimin's game.

"Mmm. I think you're mistaken. Maybe you're taking your obsession with me just a little too far." Doing what he's done to her the last year, she gaslights him. Leaving him looking lost and confused as everyone around him gives him dirty looks.

Jimin puts the mic down and walks down the stairs. "I don't know if that's a safe thing to do, Dame. I mean, bullying is one thing but finding and stealing account numbers? That's... that's crazy." He stops in front of the man. "Maybe you need a psych evaluation or something. Or a mental hygiene arrest."

Damien pushes Jimin, looking for a fight.

"Whoa. Come on, man. We're just trying to help. You might have serious troubles that need to be handled by professionals. This obsession you have with her, it's unhealthy. You really think you were dating her? Even if that were the case, how'd you get her account numbers to steal 20k from her?"

"I-. We were together. It was-." Damien stammers and Jimin pushes his lips into a thin line.

"You sound really confused, Dame. I really think you should get some help, buddy." He speaks to him like a child, putting a hand on his shoulder.

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