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Panic. Panic. Panic.

Raina throws clothes out of her dresser as she looks through it. Everything that she's pulled out feels like it's not good enough. She's so stressed about an outfit that it's making her cramps worse.

She holds the top of the dresser and groans as the wave of pain hits her. She puts her head back waiting for it to subside. She sighs when it does and puts her head back down.

What the hell am I supposed to wear?

There's rustling and shifting behind her. She turns around to see Damien rolling around to face the window. His arm reaches out to her regular spot and rests there. She turns her attention back to the dresser as her phone dings.

Jungkook: Stop freaking out
and get dressed. I promise you'll
look great in whatever you find

She turns to look out the window and he's looking at her with raised eyebrows. He gestures to his own outfit then taps his wrist. She checks the time and her eyes widen.

She mouths 'sorry' and he laughs as he shakes his head. He walks out of his bedroom and she looks back her dresser before going to her closet. After looking through everything once again, she grabs a black graphic t shirt and some black cargo pants. She wants to be as comfortable as possible.

The pants that she chose are very breathable in material

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The pants that she chose are very breathable in material. They don't put too much pressure on her stomach to keep some of the pain away from her cramping uterus.

Raina showers and gets dressed. She puts on deodorant and sprays herself with her light powder scented perfume. She hydrates her curls and uses a little bit of curl crème to give them an extra push. Using a headband, she doubles it to put her hair is a high puff. She leaves some out for the bangs and then picks it for volume.

She looks at herself in the mirror, surveying her appearance. Going back into her closet, she grabs her baby blue crossbody bag with black straps and stocks it with her charger, tampons and a few panty liners.

You can never be too cautious.

She looks at herself one last time before Jungkook calls her.

"Are you ready, slow poke?"

"Uh,.. yeah. I think so."

"Come on then. I'm outside."

"Okay. I'm coming." She says as she hangs up. Raina grabs her keys off the dresser and jogs down the stairs. Damien wakes up to the sound of the front door closing.

She walks to the SUV and a tall black man gets out. He's huge, bulky. Her eyes widen as she sees him. He smiles at her and she nervously returns it. He looks like an entirely different man with that grin on his face.

"I'm Frances."

"Uuuh huh." She says as she looks him up and down. She's intimidated by his size and he can see that.

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