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"So you're a pro gamer, a model, and an artist." Raina asks as they walk to the pond. They've got ice cream cones in one hand while they hold a few bags in the other.

After the candle vendor, they stopped by a gem and stone tent. They each got replica gems of their birthstones on necklaces. Jungkook then saw a tent vendor that was selling hand carved figurines. The locally owned business sells them both on hand and by commission. They carve them in house as well as paint and engrave if wanted.

Jungkook bought two of them. One was of Link from the Legend of Zelda, the other was of Super Mario.

After that, both he and Raina gasped at the sight of the cotton candy machine. Raina got pink bubblegum flavor, the classic. Jungkook got orange, mango flavor, a new one. He gave Raina a piece and she was pleasantly surprised by how good that it tasted. They got hot from walking and got ice cream cones. Both vanilla with a ton of chocolate sprinkles.

Now they're walking to the pond, almost finished with their cones, to feed the fish. They purchased fish food packets from one of the park's checkpoints.

"I'd use the term artist very loosely. It's more of a hobby than a career or side job. I don't indulge in it very often." Jungkook responds to Raina's statement.

"Are you any good at it?"

"Yeah. I just don't want a career in art. I like seeing it, I enjoy it. It's just not something that I could see myself doing long term, you know?"

"You sound like you have commitment issues." She jokes as she squeezes hand sanitizer onto her sticky fingers. She rubs the clear liquid in and waves her hands to dry them.

"That's not true." He says as he squats next to the pond. He looks at the fish under the surface as he sprinkles the food for them.

"I'm very committal. Women just don't like me." He says it feigning nonchalance. But it's a tone that Raina recognizes all too well.

To hear him say that women don't like him is weird. Jungkook is very attractive man, if she says so herself. He also seems like a sweetheart. How could women not like him?

"That can't be true." She says as she sits on the grass next to him. She opens her food packet for the fish and he sits next to her.

"You've shown me nothing but kindness and smiles since I met you."

"I wish that it wasn't. It may seem that way outwardly but.. no." He smiles wryly. His expression slowly drops into a neutral one.

"They use me as arm candy and a trophy. It becomes very exhausting to suppress myself. I don't like doing it." He admits.

Simply put, Jungkook is a hopeless romantic. He's had his fair share of what he thought were relationships. The women would beg to differ though. They would tell him that they were strictly friends with benefits. Benefits for them being sex, being seen out with him and his money.

Jungkook doesn't know how to do anything half assed. Either he's doing everything or nothing at all.

So, of course it's difficult for a man with his emotional and mental makeup to have to adapt to an arrangement like 'friends with benefits'. He either catches feelings and the women don't, or he detaches himself emotionally to keep up with the friendship. But he doesn't like the person that he becomes when he does that so he ends things.

It always takes some time for him to get back into usual groove of life. It takes weeks for him to feel like himself again. That's why he made the decision for celibacy. He's saving himself, in a way. He values himself too much to allow himself to be used again.

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