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On day three of Raina's period, she's woken up by Damien's incessant touches. He's pulled her to him and rests his head against the back of her neck. She shrugs him off and moves away from him. She sits up, looking annoyed and blinks at him.

"What? It's like eight o'clock in the morning. What are you waking me up for?"

"Come on, Raina. It's been months."

"Okay..?" She says as she looks at him.

"You serious right now?"

"Not only am I on my period, I don't want to have sex Damien."

"Why though?" He asks as he looks at her. She sighs and gets out of the bed. She doesn't know where all this horny ass nature is coming from with him.

"Because I just don't feel like it." Raina replies as she grabs things to get in the shower. She might as well do something productive since she clearly isn't getting any sleep.

"There has to be a reason though, Raina. You don't just choose to stop having sex with your partner for nothing."

Her mind debates with itself as she tries to decide the best way to approach the conversation.

"I don't.. enjoy it." She says, hesitantly. He furrows his eyebrows and screws his face up.

"What you mean, you don't enjoy it?" He says, more than offended by her words.

"Like I don't... feel... anything." She explains. Damien stares at her, blinking every few seconds.

"So you tryna say it's my fault?"

"I didn't say that-."

"You just said you don't feel anything like that shit my fault. You used to be just fine with my shit. Now it's a problem?"

"I didn't mean it like-." Raina starts to explain and he cuts her off.

"I don't care, man. Ain't shit change about me for you to be saying you don't want to fuck. The problem is prolly yo ass!" He says as he points to her.

"Shit I be talking about, bro. You around dressing baggy like a lil ass boy. What, you gay or something?"

Raina's face shows her visible confusion.

"No. Why would that mean-?"

"Well, it's something wrong with you then. This why I'm saying yo ass need to go to therapy. Shit is affecting mad shit in our relationship and you don't even care."

Raina swallows thickly as she faces her dresser. Her back is to him and he's staring at her. She feels his upset eyes on her and looks down at her fingers.

Is something wrong with me?... Maybe.. I haven't felt like I wanted to have sex with him in a long time. It's been at least four months. Maybe even longer...

She grabs clothes out of the dresser, towels and washcloths to shower with. She ignores everything else that Damien says to her before she walks out of the room and into the bathroom. She locks the door behind her and hops into the shower.

Ten minutes in and Damien knocks on the door.

"I gotta pee."

Raina takes into account the lack of decorative shower curtain. There's only the clear one that goes inside the tub. He'll still be able to see her naked. With the way that he's been bringing up sex and how that conversation just went, she doesn't want him anywhere near her naked.

She already felt uncomfortable with anybody seeing her that way. But now him more than anyone.

"Use the one downstairs." Raina tells him as she lathers her washcloths with soap.

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