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Raina is bored.

Beyond bored. She's going to die of said boredom.

Her and Damien walk into the grocery store and he grabs a cart.

"There's not gonna be a lot of people over so we just need snacks and drinks for like seven people."

She crosses her arms over her chest as she lags behind him. She looks around the store and then turns her attention to the floor. She counts the tiles as they walk. Every time Damien opens his mouth, she loses count and has to start over.

"We can get chips, some salsa and dip, juice, wine coolers and beer. Maybe some Ritz crackers too. What you think, baby?"

The chill comes and she shrugs.

"Fine, I guess. Just get whatever."

He looks at her as she keeps walking after he's stopped.

"Do you want to get some chocolate milk?"

"No, I got enough." She replies.

His eyebrows twitch as he starts pushing the cart again. He didn't see any in the dried he this morning. He's sure that she ran out... a while ago actually.

Does she not drink it anymore?

Damien questions himself as they keep walking. He turns down the fridge and dairy aisle for the chip dip. Raina walks a little further down and grabs a four pack of yogurts. They're vanilla flavored with cookie dough mix ins. She also grabs one with Oreo mix ins. She puts them in the cart and crosses her arms back over her chest.

Damien finds the quiet between them to be awkward. Raina finds it to be completely normal. It's always been like this, especially in public. She says much of nothing and he does all the talking. Or neither one of them talk and they still walk around to get what they need.

Today just feels weird to him for some reason. He can't pinpoint why though. The next twenty minutes seem to drag for him as they grab the chips, juice and alcohol.

On the way up to the registers, Raina grabs a container of frosted sugar cookies and fudge stripe cookies.

They walk into the produce area of the store to get to the front and Damien double takes at the things that she put in the cart.

"I'm not buying all that sugary stuff, Raina. Eating all that not food for you. I know you on your shit but still."

"You're not buying it. I am." She replies. She grabs the cookies and yogurts and goes to the next aisle over. She waits in that line and he blinks back at her.

"Just come back over here. Why are you acting like this? I'm tryna help you out. You still need to eat healthy, period or not."

"Do you have a vagina?"

"What?" He asks as his neck goes back. "No. What the fuck."

"Then stop telling me how to work mine."

"What does that have to do with-. Never mind bro." He shakes his head as she moves up in line. She puts her items on the conveyor belt and the cashier rings them up. She pays for her things and takes the bags, thanking the man in the process.

She sits on the bench in front of the store and sets the bags next to her. Waiting for Damien, she takes her phone out and opens GarageBand. She works on her music, focused on the different melodies.

Several minutes pass before she looks up to see Damien coming out of the store. Grabbing her bags, she stands up and walks with him to the car. He loads the groceries into the trunk and she sits in the passenger seat with hers.

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