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The morning of Raina's big day, she's up early. Earlier than Jungkook but not Jimin. He's used to being up this early and his body has a built in timer for it at this point in his career.

Raina showers, shaves, and exfoliates her skin before getting out and going into Jungkook's room. She dries off and lotions her body before getting dressed. As she's putting her socks on, her boyfriend stirs awake. He feels around for her before rolling over. He sits up when he sees her getting dressed.

"What time is it?" He groans and rubs his eyes.

"Almost seven. I have to go to my the appointment for my braces soon. I was going let you sleep and ask Jimin to go with me. I know you're tired."

He shakes his head as he stands up. "It's okay. Just wake me up next time, baby. I forgot to set my alarm for it."

Jungkook stretches and quickly grabs his things to shower. He takes a quick 15 minute one and gets out. He lotions himself up and spends a bit of time shaving his face. Raina comes into the bathroom with her toothbrush and he takes a step back from the sink. She stands in front of him to brush her teeth and he puts his hand on her waist to be close to her.

They finish their respective tasks and Jungkook brushes his teeth as well. They walk downstairs and Jimin has all of their breakfast ready. They sit to eat for 20 minutes before Raina and Jimin's alarms go off.

Getting ready to leave, they put their jackets and shoes on. Raina grabs her keys and Jungkook looks at her.

"Are we taking your car?"

"I was going to. I haven't driven it in a while. I actually don't know what I'm going to do with two cars." She says as she thinks.

"We can take mine. I don't want anyone to start clocking your cars when we go out. There's a boundary that my fans have but other people don't have them." Jungkook tells her as he grabs his keys and her hand.

They say goodbye to Jimin and go outside. He tosses her the keys.

"Oh. I can drive?" She asks with a surprised smile on her face.

"You like driving it, don't you?"


"Soooo drive." Jungkook says as he opens the passenger door. He gets into the car and Raina cheeses as she gets into the driver side. She turns the car on and waits for Jimin to get in his. They pull off together and drive down the street.

As they turn the corner and approach the light, they see Damien waiting for the bus.

"I should hit him." Raina says all of a sudden.

"Ten points." Jungkook responds.

"That's it?"

"He's a terrible person. Why would he be worth more than that?"

"Yeah but I think I should get more for taking him out." Raina defends her stance.

"Fine. 10 points and dinner with me later at the Thai place."

"We're supposed to go there for a vlog."

"And we can. We can actually document all of today. It'll be your first shoot for Calvin Klein and our first date as a couple." Jungkook suggests.

"Oh, that'll be cute." Raina says as the light turns green. "I'm nervous about the shoot, though."

"You'll do good, I know you will. Wait until we get there and meet everyone."

He puts the address of the shoot site into the GPS and Raina drives toward the destination. When she pulls up, she thinks of just how much her life has changed so drastically in what feels like so little time. It's the best form of drastic, though.

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