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Raina sleeps almost all day on and off. Damien didn't bother to try to wake her up this morning. He's upset with her as if she's done something wrong. He left for work and she stayed asleep in the bed.

She's woken up at five o'clock by the sound of her phone ringing. She cracks her eyes open and looks for it. When she finds it, she answers groggily.

"Hello?" Her voice is thick with sleep.

"Are you still sleeping?" Jungkook's voice comes through the phone and Raina's eyes snap open. She pulls the phone back to look at the time and her eyes widen as she sits up.

"No.. yeah... kind of. I had a long night last night and I didn't even realize what time it was. I am so sorry. What time are we supposed to go?"

"It's okay. I understand. They partied late last night. It kept me up a bit too. I wasn't planning on leaving until around six but it's almost four. I was going to see if you wanted to grab something to eat first."

Raina looks around her room and gulps.

"Uh...I'm... I mean, that's okay. I'm just.. I have to get ready." She throws the covers back and sits up in bed.

He smiles to himself at her jumbled mind fresh off the wake up.

"That's fine. Just call me when you're ready."

"Okay. I'm sorry again."

"You don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong." He tells her before they say their goodbyes. His response triggers a thought in her head. More of a memory. A constant sentence that's said to her. Jungkook's variation of it feels a lot different than when she hears it Damien's mouth.

She's breathing and nervous as she gets out of the bed. She expected him to be upset or frustrated with her. To tell her that she shouldn't have slept all day, that she needs to do something proactive during the day.

She expected him to tell her to stop apologizing.

He didn't do that. He worded it differently. He meant it in a much different way than it's normally said to her.

Raina grabs clothes and towels before going in the bathroom to shower. She spends 20 minutes in there and another 15 putting lotion on and getting dressed. When she's done, she looks over her outfit in the mirror and wonders if it's too baggy. She wonders if he'll look at her the same in these clothes.

Should I put on something that Damien would pick out? Does that matter? I don't want to be uncomfortable... he doesn't make me feel that way. He didn't the last time.

She decides to take the chance and stay in her outfit. If Jungkook didn't like what she wore before, then he would say something, right?

Why am I thinking so much about it? It doesn't matter.

Raina puts her shoes on and calls Jungkook on her way down the stairs. He answers on the first ring.

"I'm ready. Should I come over there...?"

"Uh..." Jungkook looks around his room and then at himself in the mirror. He changed three times and is finally content with his outfit. But now his room is trashed.

"Yeah. The front door is open. Jimin is in the living room. I'll be down in a couple minutes."

"Okay." She says before they hang up. She makes sure that she has everything before leaving the house and locking the door behind her. She walks across the lawn to her neighbor's house and knocks on the screen door. The front door is open but she still doesn't want to just into his house.

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