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"I think we should've brought more than two bibs." Raina tells her husband.

She watches their seven month old squeeze an orange slice in his tiny fist before smashing it into his mouth.

Jungkook looks at him and starts giggling. The baby reaches over for his father's fruit cup again and grabs another mandarin orange. He holds it in his fist and sucks on it for the juice.

"Yeah, he's definitely making a mess. But he's feeding himself so that's a plus." He squints at her as the sun shines in his face. He puts his hand over his eyebrows to shield his eyes from the bright light.

They're on the beach in the middle of June. Deciding that today was nice enough for a family day, they packed up the Jeep with a blanket, a basket of food and snacks and their son's diaper bag.

They packed two bibs thinking that would be enough but they really should've known better.

The baby reaches for another orange from his father's fruit cup and is baffled to see that there aren't anymore.

"You ate them all, Najai." Jungkook tells him.

Najai frowns and pulls the cup out of his father's fingers. He starts smacking it against the blanket and babbling as he looks at his mother.

"Uht. What are you mad at me for? I didn't eat them. We don't have anymore. You had two. You want some applesauce?" Raina reaches into the basket and pulls it out.

Najai drops the cup and reaches for the applesauce with a gummy smile. Jungkook starts laughing and Raina shakes her head as she peeks it open. She sets it in front of him and hands her husband the spoon.

He starts feeding their son who pats his stomach with his fingers.

"He's too smart to be seven months. My dad said he been here before. Had to be."

"Agreed. We have a little Einstein on our hands." Jungkook says as he feeds their son. Najai eats half the applesauce before he's full and doesn't want anymore.

He starts crawling off the blanket and into the sand.

"Hey, where you going? You leaving me?" Raina asks.

At the sound of his mother's voice, he turns. He sits in the sand in his blue swim trunks that match his father's and his orange bib. Feeling the new texture, he frowns at it. He looks at his mom, confused.

"It's just sand, bubba."

Najai does not care. His lip juts out and he starts crying.

"Awe." Jungkook stands up and walks to pick him up. He puts his head on his father's shoulder as he keeps crying. Raina comes over and rubs his back.

"You don't like it, huh?"

Najai quiets down at the touch of both of his parents.

"It's not hot. He's probably just scared because it's new." Jungkook says as he digs his toes into the sand.

"Yeah, he was like that with grass, too. And your mom's cat."

"I really just think he doesn't like cats. Like, in any way. Not even videos. I showed him a compilation of baby videos on YouTube and one of them, the baby was surrounded by like 3 cats and he started screaming."

"He's fine with dogs, though. He loves Max." Raina tilts her head.

"He grew up with Max, though. That's different."

"Mm. Yeah, you're right."

"Who made my baby cry?" Amir's voice sounds off and Jungkook and Raina look in his direction.

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