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Podcast Pre-Show
{Meet & Greet}

"Baby?" Jungkook knocks on the bathroom door. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I'm coming now." She waves her hand in front of the paper towel dispenser and it lets out one sheet. She does it again for a second, annoyed that she just can't pull them out herself.

Raina dries her hands and grabs the door with the paper towel before throwing them into the trash.

Her boyfriend is leaning against the wall as she comes out. He holds his hand out for hers and she grabs it, intertwining their fingers.

"You nervous?" He asks, feeling the way her fingers grip his.

"A little." She admits. "I've only ever attended meet and greets for you. Not for myself."

"Yeah but they kind of turned into joint things considering how many new fans I garnished simply because they're head over heels for my girlfriend."

"Your jealous is showing." Raina says in a sing song tone.

Jungkook tilts his head. "Not yet. We'll see how many new vinyls you get and then I'll decide if I'm jealous or not."

Raina giggles alongside him as they walk to their set up station.

Their managers get them settled in and Raina feels the nervousness truly begin to seep. All of this still feels so surreal to her and she can't believe that it's been an entire year since she and Jungkook have been together.

She can't believe all of the love and support that she's garnered over time. She can't believe how many people began to background check her after the incident at Club One with Jimin and Damien.

So many looked into her relationship with the man only to find out that she looked so... sad. She wasn't the same woman that they saw smiling in Jungkook's livestreams. She wasn't the same women that side eyed Jimin whenever he playfully picked at her.

That Raina Summers was not the same Raina Summers that said she'd want to do a shibari photo shoot just three months ago.

Well, she is the same woman. But they wondered what the hell her ex had done to her that made her so... self conscious, so closed off.

All of Raina and Jungkook's supporters flooded hashtags on Twitter. Some of the guys that Damien had met over the years during his club work began to tell their experiences from meeting him. They began to tell about the way that he verbally talked down to Raina and how uncomfortable it would make them.

The friendships never lasted because of the things that he would say to her. The most jarring thing was the fact that he would look around for validation from other men about what he would tell Raina about herself.

They never gave it. But they did tell how his 'close friend' always did. Only one of the guys mentioned Justice's name but it was enough for the internet to do its job and find her.

Justice ended up clearing all of her socials after one of Jungkook's supporters found old tweets of her talking crap about Raina. She didn't even have a Twitter for her to have ever seen the tweets but that wasn't the point.

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