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Jungkook pulls into a plaza full of cars and Raina sinks into the seat at the sight. She looks down at her clothes and exhales quietly. She's in a red long sleeved shirt, black biker shorts with her black Nike sandals. She didn't think that she was leaving the house today. If she knew, she'd have put leggings on.

As Jungkook parks in a spot relatively close to the store, Raina grows nervous. She picks up her wallet and phone as he turns the car off. They get out together and she pulls down her shorts to cover as much of her thighs as possible. She lets him lead the way since she doesn't know where she's going. He opens the door for her and she walks inside.

The inside of the store smells crisp and clean and that's the first scent that hits her. It's cooler than most stores would be and she crosses her arms over her chest, hugging herself as she looks around.

"Ayyee, it's Jungkook." One of the employees walk over and daps him up. "How you doing today, man?"

He's a tall dark skinned man with dreads. They're held back from his face in a bun.

"I'm good. Taking the day off. What about you?"

"Chillin, chillin. Waiting for these pick up orders to come in. What you looking for today?" He looks at the box in his hands.

"Oh. This exact model." Jungkook holds the box up. "If you don't have it in the same color, that's fine. Anything works."

"We moved the keyboards to the left side in the back.  I know we just got an order of those. I'm
Not sure if we have any left in black but I know for a fact, we have some red ones."

"Alright. That's cool. Thank you." Jungkook says with a smile as he starts walking toward the back. Raina follows him quietly, looking at his feet as they move in front of her. He stops when they get to the section. She looks up only then to see which one that he grabs. They're out of black so he grabs a red one.

"It's not the exact same but it'll have to do."

They walk to the register and wait in line. Raina looks around, reading the signs and posters on the wall to keep her mind occupied. As they move toward the register, she rereads things she's already looked at. Jungkook watches her and bites the inside of his cheek.

He sets the keyboard down on the counter and the cashier greets him as he rings it up. Raina pulls out her card and pays for the item. She grabs it before they walk out the door and holds it securely in her hands.

When they get to the car, she looks at the box, inspecting it to see if there are instructions anywhere. It's a keyboard, typically all she would have to do it plug it in. But this one lights up and had two USB ports. At this point, she's not risking touching it more than she needs to. She also doesn't want to touch the rest of his gaming things to get it plugged in.

As they drive back toward their street of residence, Raina wiggles her toes in her sandals to avoid tapping the box in an obnoxious manner. Jungkook pulls into his driveway and they both get out of the car. She stands there for a second, debating with herself. She's contemplating how she's going to get this thing set up.


"Yes?" He looks at her.

"Can you help me hook this up? I don't want to touch anything else... in case I mess it up." She says the last few words quietly.

"Yeah. Do you want to do it now?"

"Yes please." She responds. They walk over to their house and she unlocks the door. They walk up the stairs and she hands him the box. Jungkook looks around the room quickly, taking in the scene as he opens the box.

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