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After the group of friends eat lunch together, they drive down to the strip and visit a lot of stores. They also visit an arcade of sorts for a 'little' break. Hours later and it's approaching 7:30.

Vena walks right into the Chanel store and Raina stays back a little. Jungkook holds her by the hips as she steps inside of the store.

She kind of stands around and that worries him for a second as he thinks that she's suddenly feeling out of place.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I've never been in here before." She tells him quietly.

Jungkook wraps his arms around her waist before looking around. "Well, look around. Do you see anything you like?"

"No." She says quickly.

"You didn't even look."

"I'm broke right now. I can't window shop. If I see something I really like, I'm gonna be kind of upset that I can't buy it right now."

"I drive a 2022 Mercedes that I don't make payments on. Go find something." Jungkook turns her around by the hips and guides her further into the store.

"I don't know what I'm looking at."

"You like bags that aren't really big but aren't too small. Medium sized ones, preferably crossbody type I've noticed." He says absentmindedly as he looks around. Raina looks back at him as he pushes his lips to the side.

"Ou. What about this one?" Jungkook points and leads her over. It takes her a second to process what he said before she looks at the bag.

"It's cute. But I can wait to get it. It's not that big of a-."

Jungkook waves down an employee and asks for one of the bags in his hand. She nods with a smile and goes back to get it for him. Raina blinks at him.

"I could've waited."

"Why should you have to when I can buy it right now?"

"I don't want to be financially dependent on anyone again. I want to be able to spend my own money and be proud of that." She explains her reason to him and he nods in understanding.

"I get what you're saying. But this isn't being financial dependent on me. It's me buying you nice things because you deserve them. I know that it's the principle though so after today, I'll wait until you're comfortable with it. Just give me today, please?"

Jungkook already has the day planned. He's not done yet and some of the things have been paid for or reserved already. Today is what he considers her very special day and he wants it to be perfect leading up to her big surprise.

"Okay. Just today, though, Kook."

He gives her a curt nod as the woman brings the bag out. She takes it to the counter and Jungkook pays for it and hands the bag to Raina. She smiles at him and he kisses her cheek as he grabs her hand.

They walk out of the store with their friends behind them.

"I want to go to the figurine store up the street." Amir voices as they walk.

"It's open?!" Jungkook exclaims.

"It just opened yesterday. I told you about it when I drove by." Jimin says. "Did you not see my text?"

Jungkook looks at him and Raina side eyes her boyfriend. No. He did not see his text. He was otherwise occupied.

"I guess it doesn't matter. They were packed yesterday anyway." Jimin waves it off. They walk to the store and look inside.

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