Part 45

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           I've been in the hospital for two weeks because of the argument we had. I don't know what happened between us its like we are awalys fighting and i'm so tired of it. I  want my kids to be with their father and to know that he loves them i'm so confused. 

I'm 8 months pregnant and i've been having a little trouble keeping my weight which isn't good for me or the baby. It's like everything I eat makes me  vomit. I moved back in Joel because I did miss him and to be honest I missed him. His ex is still troubling  us and so he put a restraining order on her.


   Today has been has been crazy my kids are sleeping and Joel .. isn't here which is strange because I thought he was the one waking me up. I felt someones' hand shoving me roughly like an attempt to wake me because an emergency. I got up and looked around but all i could see was the pitch black room and... a white figure ..?

I slowly got up from the bed and tried walking towards the door away from the figure but the figure began to laugh and the hands turned into sharp nail and the eyes became red like the color of blood it was a rich color. I tried running out of the room but it grabbed my night gown and I tripped landing on my side and I felt a sharp pain hit my side and I was trying to fight it away because i needed to get to my children ....

dream ended*

Joel's pov

        I heard Kiara screaming from the bedroom ,so I ran to see what was wrong. She looked so sick she dropped 20 pounds she only weight 130 pounds. Her skin wasn't the bright and glowing  brown but pale ,her hair was dull an lifeless and when she opened her eyes they weren't my angels' eyes but lost an confused.

I walked to her side and lightly touched her face and  said,"aufwachen meine ange" * wake up my angel*

she stirred and began to cry so I pulled the sheets away and scooted her up a bit and craddled her in my arms. I rocked her back an forth until she stopped crying and maybe for 20 min she woke up and she tried to get up but her body was still to weak to really get along by herself.

Baby, you know you can't walk by yourself right now.

Kiara : ik, I just I'm tired of being sick.

I know love, I took her in my arms and carried her to the kitchen while she giggled because she thinks she's to fat for me to be carrying her.

Kiara: ... I'm not hungry, maybe just sprite?

Honey your eating ok. Maybe we can start with a little salad with tomatoes,ham,cheese,and carrot. And sprite idk mybe water ?

kiara : sounds ok ,

       To my surprise she ate it all without gagging and it was now her bathe time. I got the bath running and towel and things ready for her. I helped her walk halfway to room until i saw her getting tired. I picked out a maternity sundress and orange underwear oh yea matching ... I think thats what there called.

She was undressing when i noticed she was shying away and i usually leave when she wants to bathe because we ... havent well been sexual for a while and its hard for me to not want her she is my wife and te mother of my kids so is extremly beautiful.

I stepped closer to her and she smiled but i only caught it because her cheeks went up. She was starign at the floor with the night gown halfway down and her little hands were still on the strapsthat were going down.I held her close an i could fee her heart beating faster and her body started to heat up. I knew she was weake but, she wanted it but  she was so fragile.

Kiaras pov

.... Ik .. I look terrible right now.. how could you want me..

I've lost weight I look sick i can't even play with my kids.. my eyes started to cloud over with tears as i looked away and sat on the tub side. I pulled the dress back up ashamed and disgusted with myself.

Joel: Hey, look at me . i turned her around to face me and  I kissed her, i kissed her so passionatly that it felt like our souls were connected again.  You are a beautiful women, you make me so happy to eb your husband.. baby your body is my temple i worship your body its mine and no one elses. I only stood there staring at you because I didn't want to hurt you baby . I never wanted to hurt you.

Look at me ! i look terrible for a pregnant woman i dont even look like a mother. I can't please my husband or..

He gripped me tightly and firmly while he led us back to our room. All the while kissing my tears away. He looked very concerned and worried.

Joel: please tell me if i'm hurting you or you get to tired please ?

I told him i would and after that we.. made love it wasn't rough or anything it was nice and very calm very passionate.

we layed in bed for a while because of me I fell asleep right after and he stayed by my side .. i don't think he even slept jsut to make sure i was okay when i woke.

Joes' pov

I reran the water and we both bathe together.She sat in the bathroom putting on her makeup until i noticed she looked happier. I walked over to her and kissed in between her neck an i told her she looked beautiful. I helped her put on the yellow fringed sun dress an i gave her this perfume that smelled like coconuts.

She put her hair in abun well cury bun because she hasn't straightened her hair for almost a year. I was taking her to family reunion her mom has been begging basically to see her the kids are with my mom and we wont be getting them until Kia gets a bit better but we are going to visit them we do miss them a lot.

As we weere driving kia kept moving and she started to shiver so I slowed the car down and pulled onto the side of the road and asked what was wrong. i looked at her shoulders nd se didn't have a jacket on and she gave a weak smile and i kissed her and rubbed her tummy which seemed to fix the tossing she was doing and she grabbed my hand and pushed t further down and made me press a bit firmly to ease the cramps.

We finally arrived at the reunion and Kiara clung to my side while i assured her that everything was fine she looked great and she was doing great condition wise.

Finally waling inside her mother side embraced her while the other relatives looked at me and  started mumbling even though kiara and i have been married for 5 years and we have been together for 14 of the women asked kaira when she was going to dump " this white trash " for a real chocoalte man and then others were saying things like," all the things he put you through girl pleaese get yo self a black man."

she always replied with I love him and stuff and i knew she was getting tired of it and I asked if se wanted to go when all of a sudden her ex  or watever showed up.

Jason : whats up grandpa , oh an hey baby , talking to kiara lol

look ..I felt Kiara tugging my shirt and i forgot she couldn't really walk by herself until i noticed she was was holding the rail going down the stairs.

Kiara: Baby, please just forget him i want to go home .. please

I had her handing going down the steps and he hit me in the back of my head and Kiara was shocked and asking if i was okay and feeling everywhere. I went from angry to furious I thought about my babys health and I was walking away until he said , " i fucked yo bitch twice and she couldnt get enough of this black meat and i gave it to her like a young boy should she dont want that old man shit  that slow crap.

I kissed Kia on the head and i put her in the car and straped the seat belt and told her i would be right back and to be calm for me.

I talked to him like a real man should i told him not to talk about my wife or family or i would beat the shit of him but i gave a warning and went back to my wife

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