Why me ???!!

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Why me ???!!

Hey guys what do you think about the characters so far? Please leave comments and votes and please give me tips and what you think about my writing i'm only 14 and I think every one deserves a chance on what they like to do and get better at it with others peoples help and their dedication, THANKS FOR READING ( i'm not done writing yet lol)

When I stopped crying Joel placed his warm hands on my face and cupped it . He leaned into me and kissed me passionately and told me he loved me and no matter what happens he will be right here with me as long as I wanted him to be. I kissed his soft lips while he did the same, when we broke our sweet talking I handed him a cup of hot chocolate and a doughnut and I told him to pass them out and come back he looked at me and I saw a hint of humor in it and he said, "Whatever you want my queen just remember I WILL NOT SERVE THESE PEOPLE ANYMORE FOOD I love you honey lmbo." I told him ok and rushed him out the kitchen and in seconds he came back and I handed him more cups and doughnuts. When we were left with two cups and one doughnut left I hit my self 9 times in my head because I thought about me eating half of the doughnut when I could have had it all man I felt like I was rolling in the freaking deep!! When Joel saw my expression he told me I could have the doughnut and when he said that I ran and jumped in his arms and I reached for the doughnut and kissed him and ran with the doughnut while laughing but only to see he was right behind me and smirking and I knew what was about to happen... When he removed the doughnut from my hand and laid it on my dresser he locked the door and grabbed my hand and kissed it softly and pulled me to him and kissed my neck and picked me up so I could reach his lips better and I could feel his erection in his pants when I realized my shirt was coming over my head and my pants getting unzipped I woke back up to reality and I looked him straight in the eyes and said,"baby I know you want to but we have to wait and you promised me and in plus lovey we can make things official when I'm 20." With that he kissed me and smiled and said, "That's exactly why I love you. You make it known that what you don't like won't happen and I will wait for you any day * cough * like now," I laughed and shoved him away and decided to put on my mickey mouse shirt with my matching fuzzy pants, he nodded with approval and said my sexy red mama lol I laughed so hard I snorted and that was terrible I told him to unlock the door and I went into the bathroom and put my hair in a bun and cleaned my face with Murad some acne cleansing stuff. But anyways when I got back in my room I jumped on his back and said, "Lets riiiiide baby lol thinking about Ciara song."

When we reached the last step my mom had a pissed expression on her face and me and Joel looked a tad bit confused and my mom told me that we had to move or I could stay with my man. I didn't understand what was going on at all but when I realized who was all in jail and my relationship with Joel will be a little harder but right when my mom was about to say his name I said, "Alex started the fight at school didn't he mom?" No one answered I ran into the living room and I hit everyone in the face with a pillow and said, "Why the heck were you crying? You couldn't tell me that he got locked up and he will be messing up my family and my relationship is that why you were crying?!!"

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