Love comes first

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Waking abruptly from my sleep I reach over to grab my new galaxy mega phone and slide my finger over my screen which revealed a phone call from my parents, my uncle, and jamiyah. As I dialed the first person on my missed called list I let it ring for maybe about 1 minute before I heard my mothers hysterical voice and my dad trying to calm her.

Mom:Kiara , there has been a terrible shooting somewhere and we heard that some of our cousins were an may have  been  endangered.

Kiara: Mom are you sure bec...

Mom :Yes im sure !!

With that I droped my phone, and a weird feeling passed through my body and I felt the bed become wet and my body falling to the floor.

Before I could hit the floor completely a pair of strong arms caught me carrying me to some place. After that all I heard was a truck engine roaring and the tires  burning on the concrete.

Joel's Pov

Rushing Kiara to the hospital was no joke I drove like a maniac swerving and blowing my horn for people to miss our truck by a few centimeters.

As I drove up to the hospital I ran to Kekes' side and carried her all the way into the hospital as fast as I could and since I've trained basically all my life she weighed nothing to me although she carried my babies inside.

Pushing the double doors aside with my other half of my body I had sweat on my forehead as i remembered why we were here in the first place I began running to the first doctor I saw.

Doctor: I thought I told you not to make her stress !!?

Joel: Sir , I promise you I didn't the last thing we did was cuddle and  watched her sleep.I talked to her in German to soothe her because she said something bad was about to happen and i assured her nothing would happen .. PLEASE JUST HELP MY WIFE AND KIDS!!!

                                             10 minutes later (kiaa pov)

I was struggling to keep my self going. The doctors thought I was going to lose my child, but what they didn't know was i was breathing for my babies I will not lose them because of stress, anemia, or death i will fight for them even if it means losing my self and my soul mate Joel will always have apart of me with him which will be his gorgeous twins.

My eyes fluttered open to see white lights and a doctor and nurses around me as I started to panic because I didn't see Joel my heart monitor was going crazy and beeping out of control. When I felt a spark of emotion pass through my body i looked to my hand to find Joels' squeezing mine.

Joel: Hey baby , the doctors need you to start pushing because you had a little accident.. but you will be ok they just want to get the babies out fast so they will get to see mommy and daddy ok ?

Kiara: All I could was shake my head and a single tear fell from my eyes.

Closing my eyes taking a deep breath Joel kissed my tear and my mouth and whispered to me in a soothing voice," Everything is going to be ok baby you are going to be just fine I promise and if something should happen I will always love you and nothing was your fault or theirs."

The doctor was screaming orders from left to right and my body began to sweat and I remembered i didn't get any pain killer medicine * cough* although i promised myself I would have these babies natural .. I guess i had no choice since the doctor semi screamed ,"Honey we need you to push on 3 ok ?"

Doctor: 1...

Busting in the doors came my mother in a pair of scrubs and gloves on and nurses saying she couldn't come back here but i told them to shut the holy ghost up before I get angry.

When all of that was settled the doctor rushed through the directions and everyone was getting tensed when he started to recount and this time it started like this..

Doctor: One..

Mom: Two baby girl..

Joel: Three!!!

As I pushed I gripped Joels' hand so hard I could have broken it. I screamed and shouted and threw  curses at Joel for doing this to me.

The only response the doctor gave us was a small smirk, that grew when he said he could see the head. 

Doctor: We Need two more big pushes and this baby will be out in no time but take deep breaths this time and we are going to let the father count this time are you ready guys ?

Joel started to have a panic in his eyes that I soothed away with a kiss on the hand and crashing my head back onto the pillow as sweat beads dripped down my face to my neck.

Joel: 1..,2..,3.. Push !!!!

As I gave a huge push I screamed and screamed and tears poured down my face as I started to shake and Joel looked to my side and rubbed away the sweat and tears and he told me he knew it hurt but it will pay off so much baby.

While Joel caressed my hand and kissed the tips of my fingers the Dr. Mobsey said I was doing great and one more pus...

Before he could get the last word out I felt like i needed to release something now and right now !!!


Doctor: ok honey one the cont of three.. Since dad did a great job and the baby responded so great we continue that.


The final push and I was crying my hair was half matted to my face and was started to curl and a beautiful cry struck the air and i saw my beautiful baby boy.

They let Joel cut his umbilical cord and his eyes were filled with love as he gave me the baby he opened his eyes and I  thought he was the most handsome little baby ever. He had a head full of thick dark dirty blonde hair that was so curly. His eyes were a dark sea blue that mesmerized my heart, thinking about this I knew it came from his daddy's side of the family. Oh and his skin complexion was a very light brown almost as if he just went out for a little tan.

The doctor told Joel to take the baby because we needed to get the other one out and as soon as he said that I mentally groaned and the need for something to come out was heaver than ever.

Repeating the same procedure the baby popped out and she like her  brother was very strikingly beautiful. Looking exactly the same but with a bit more of a brownish hair color she stood out with blue eyes.

With me going into early labor they both weighed 12 inches, 5 pounds and 12 ounces.

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