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Joels pov

Monday morning , I woke to an lonley empty bed . I got up and dragged my paling skin to the bathroom it seemed like I aged six years without her.

All of a sudden I felt a rush of pain and I knew Kiara was becoming very weak, I don't know why i felt this but, I knew this had to be true so I didn't over think it.

I showered for thirty-minutes letting the hot water run down my body . Once I got out the shower and did everything else I had a idea or remebrance of something Kiara told me.

I rushed down stairs with a pair of old blue jeans and red shirt Kiara liked to wear of mine.

When I came down I saw that no one left . Mama ( Kekes mom) cooked breakfast .

I ran to the guys and told them that i remembered this cabin or something in the woods or no no its a tree house ,

Cameron stopped me and said, man that place was torn down like 2 years ago bec--

No , Kam'Ron replied and he said it again an said ... Man He is taking that girl to ruin her and a- and rape her..

He didn't tear that place down man sobbing loudly to himself his girlfriend came over to hug him and I could feel my heart swell and tears form in my eyes.

But I didn't let that happen, I called Janelle over and she already knew and hugged me. She became serious and said,"Look like Kam said its still there in the same location im bettingon because he well once Kia broke with him he became mentally ill."

But anywho about that crap right now someone they saw some crazy guy building non-stop on a tree house , of course turned into a cabin.

Hearing all of this made me want to scream and punch something and before I could let my anger grow stronger and deeper I walked over to my mom and mom - in - lawand told them to tell Kiara grandfather to look in the far back in the woods by your old house

Ok but , Nickie said.

I'll explain later just please I need you to hurry and make sure he brings his friends and I mean his friends by saying bring the big boys

I want the sheriffs I want them all there.

Ok son.

Getting everyone situated I began to build a plan and go oevr with the cops.

Kiara's Pov

I've been in this -this hell hole for two and a half days. I smell of cigars and must, My childrens kicks are weaker than the last day

my eyes are swollen from tears and I feel my pulse thumping under my finger tips very lightly.

When Alex looked at me He laughed and called me names and insulted my weakening unborn children.

He told me I stunk and smelled of white trash but he will get the stintch away he grabed me by my wrists and dragged me across the floor i could tell my back had burn marks from the rug and my lower thigh on my right leg was hurt the most.

I winced at the pain ,But took it anyway and he dragged me to my full height and filled a bucket up with water and threw it on me .

I stood their freezing becaues it was cold and my robe was torn and dirty.

He told me he would be right back and smelled me and said ,"mmm see that's better you ugly dog."

I cowarded away into a dark corner and wrapped my arms around my freezing body I touched my stomach and I tried to talk to my stomach and rub ...

But i-i ... I felt nothing I lost m-my babies.

Crying and wanting to be with my babies i slowly started to fade until i remembered my grandma telling me when I can't count on anyone else count on Jesus .

And that is what I did I sang bible hymes and recited bible verses and I don't know where I got this strength .

But I got up and walked slowly to the kitchen it seemed I was going to , I saw a phone and quickly grabbed it and dailed my hubbies cell number.


Joel: Kiara , honey is that you ?

No time please please Joel help my babies please !!

Im in these -these woods I think by my moms house deep in the woods.

Joel: Ok baby im coming it's

Call ended.

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