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Joel's Pov :

After, I finished the call with my wife I realized we needed to get her out of that place and fast.

Running to the guys I told them where she was and how long he might be gone.


Running to the sheriff I see 5 polices and a track down by the door.

Can I come in Mr.Rezel ?

Um.. yes just tell me something good John.

Son we picked up the location from your phone and we have Mrs.Lindal looking through the data base for me information.

Okay, but sir this is major shi.. I mean ..

Look my wife is being held captive against her own will as you can see?! She can barely talk she is basically dying with our children so when you can pay attention to the real bullshit and what's going on here then maybe WE WILL FIND HER AND --

HEY ENOUGH!! Joel calm down and  breath son, now sheriff or John I'm her mother and you need to get off your little high horse and you need to listen to him got it ?

Well yes ma'am but,--

Okay look John I don't have time for your BS right now so listen close and when I mean close I want you to hear the words float off my mouth.

*10 minutes later*

Kam, man I need you and Cam to come with me to find the cabin you to are the only ones that have an idea, besides I have a feeling something bad is about to happen..

Hey, man I got you no need to get frustrated me and Cameron want to whoop his ass as much as you do. We will help you and we owe you that much.


Kiara's Pov :

Standing to my feet slowly I feel myself struggling to hold my self up, With all my might I finally could stand straight and walk maybe 5 inches to my destination.

I walked as fast as I could to all the doors but they were all locked. Heading towards the bathroom I heard light footsteps on the leaves when I passed one of the doors going to the bathroom.

Bitch where are you ?!!

Walking slowly to a hiding place I try to stay calm as I try to sit under a blanket in the bathroom closet hidden with clothes.

Look here you little brat I'm going to count to 3 and if you aren't out here by then I will hurt you even worse. 1 - 2- 3 I'm going to show you something you little wise ,ugly looking pig.

When I find you I will hurt you and oh I will show you who your daddy is.

As I heard him lightly laughing; I knew he was almost where my hiding spot was so i searched around to see if i could find a weapon of some sort

Just as I found something the door opened and

I found my feet being pulled out and me being dragged on the floor.

You should have come out when I told you to now ha ! Your going to get it

All I remembered was me being placed on a bed and my robe being completely ripped from my body and then my bra to my panties and before he could pull them all the way down I stabbed him in his chest with the knife that I found and tried to run from .

You slithering snake!

All I felt was a hard painful hit across my cheek and with that my legs were being spread apart and ..

WTF!! are you doing with my wife you sick person !!??

All I could remember was some guy that looked like my husband punching Alex really hard and these other guys trying to stop him. I actually thought they were my guardian angels and they were helping me fight my battle.

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