School drama

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When I got up out of bed it was 6 in the morning on a Monday. So with that I walked to the bathroom like a zombie and I pulled off my clothes and got into my warm shower I thought about all my classes I would have to take and it's defiantly not my first day at Troy High school. Since Joel didn't go to my school I had to travel the halls by myself ok maybe with my girls but I will be 19 in two months so this is going to be fun.   1 period I had Math - Mrs. Love, 2nd period English -Mrs. Pugh,  3rd period was my less favorite it was science- Mr. Rain, 4th period was journalism- Mr.Wayne, that's also my lunch period. 5 and 6 period I would say put those together since I'm always out of both of those classes to help teachers but my 5th period is business  class which is led by Mr. T and 6th is gym then 7th is my favorite class, art.  Once I got out of the shower and dried off I went to put the rest of my cleanser on and I walked into my room and opened my closet and I decided to wear something sporty or loose so I took out my orange jogging pants which were kinda baggy and I pulled on our guys football t shirt it was white and I added little diamonds on it to make it sparkle. I decided on putting my hair in a high ponytail and a tad bit of make up i don't know but make makes me sick its like all the girls at my school wore a mask or something they looked like Barbie gagged on all of them... but when I checked my closet again I chose orange flip flops. When I was walking out of the house my phone starting singing 'Problems' by Natalie Kills. "I'm your dream girl, 

This is real love

But you know 

What they say about me

That girl is a problem

Girl is a problem, 

Girl is a problem, 

Problem "

I answered the phone to my sexy bf and said hey honey I'm on way to school what's wrong and he told me that his mom was coming from Germany to spend time with him in the USA I told him that would be ok and relax but when he said she would be there for 2 years my heart almost stopped and I told him it would be ok we can work it out and in plus " I'm your dream girl "  lol and before we hung up we said I love you and so on .

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