here we goo.

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hey guys give feedback and wat do u think about Kiaras mom and everything . wow if I can get 30 or 24 votes my world would just be wow lol .

Ok so after having a long night my butt was knocked the **** out lool . I woke to an empty bed which was unusal but soon as I smelled food and tv on I knew why . Hm that trader , rolling my eyes and laughing to myself I walked to my bathroom and heard water running and moaning thinking to myself what in all glory knowing it wasnt Joel.I opened the door to find my baby uncle with some girl that barely knew english I looked at her like she was stupid and omg talk abput a woman was mad I wanted to blast her I went in an flushed the toilet and turned on the sink and they started screaming lol I would to that crap was freezing I know hahaha . I undid the door on the showrt I pulled the girl out and said get out and sprayed her nakedbody with lysol. and I grabbed Tay my baby uncle out of the shower and started whooping him n he was slipping since he was wet n sincehe was slidding he couldnt hit me . When I was done his booty was red a bit lol he screamed and was about to hit my thigh but I dodgee his hit and ran leaving myself with a pair of my baby green shorts on an another on of his shirts I left my hair in a braid an walked inside the living room and greeted everyone including my mom.

  I dont know me and my mom have been having a weird connection latley and I dont like it .Before I could walk in the kitchen to where she was cooking pancakes, eggs, ham, grits, grilled cheese, and she wanted me to cook french toast oh Lord, im thinking to myself where she found that in my refrigerator. Joel picked me up and kissed my mouth and forehead an all of a sudden a naked girl rushes out the house all I do is giggle ... I promise I didn't  tnrow her clothes away . pulking away from Joel he asks me what was that and I answered him with a wave of my hand and said honey do people get arrested for being nude ? he said yes but and walked away from him to the kitchen laughing.I loved to help in the kitchen and while I was grabbing the cinnamon and vanilla abstract and my mom turned around to me and said, Honey I didnt want you to leave trust me Kia I love you and I knew Joel would protect you no matter what an I couldnt risk losing my first baby . You mean the world to me I would never just send you off and I am truely happy with you and him and with that we were both in tears and I told her I loved her and hugged her tight as I couldnt with hurting the baby.

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