What the heck just happen

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I woke up to a woman .. no wait 2 woman .. ok  idk anymore , I slowly lifted my eye lids they seemed very heavy I didn't understand why since um hello eyelids I  didn't know they would be like lifting weights ! I finally got them to open and focus on two woman and a man I soon found out it was my mother and Joels' mother and my mother discussing something very serious since no one broke a smile until I freaking coughed. Everyone shut up and stared at me and my dad ran to get me water I gulped it down and thank the Lord , for water . When i asked what they were talking about everyone sat there at first but then they relaxed and looked at me and they told me that it might be safer for me to move with Joel far away from here and live happy and then that's when they told me that Alex was being held in for questioning and a police would be coming here soon and all I said was ok and I said is that it .They looked down one more time and this time Kathey spoke up and said to me that a gang is looking for Joel and me and it would be safer for us in Germany .... When she spoke those words my heart sank and my eyes stung and I said I  needed to see Joel .

   They shook their heads in understanding and they told me his room number and I walked down there his room was only 2 doors from mine and I slowly pushed open the door and I walked in to find him trying to stand up I walked up to him and i looked up at him and he finally stood wincing in pain and he kissed me deeply and the kiss was filled with love ,sorrow, and something I can't get . He pulled away and said we should have left when you said so and i -i -i honey please forgive me I made a big mistake and I hurt you and im so sorry ..

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