To Much drama

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Kiaras'  pov

   Mom: The bed is already made, come on over.

  Me: Mom, this is only for a few days.. so please don't .

    End of convo

  After I packed the kids suitcases and mine I fixed them breakfast and was heading to get my glassses, when my son Gabriel walked over to me and gripped my dress and said ," Mommy why isn't daddy coming with us?"

....Well baby,daddy and mommy are um very complicated. OOh mommy that's the big word for grown ups when they are in trouble? Laughing at my curly headed son I lean down and kiss his forehead and shoo him to his food.

After locating my purse and glasses I felt a presence behind me and as I turned around Joel was standing there with his head down.

 Joel  had on a black polo shirt and khaki pants with with polo shoes on he looked like a greek god if I could just take off his.. Um Joel what are you doing ? I, please Kiara don't leave please don't their our children and I want to be there with them baby.

Joel you  can have them for the we..

No, Kiara that's total Bull ok!  That's enough I will see my OUR children that We made and I will SEE my wife dammit it.I'm not just going to sit at this house and not give a damn about our children or my wife and you KIARA Rezel,

That is fine Joel.

Joel's Pov

I grabbed Kiara by the waist and kissed her so passionate and angry every emotion i felt were put into that kiss. Baby girl don't go as I sobbed in the crook of her neck a tear was falling from her eyes as she soothed me,

She kissed my tears away and then my lips leaving a very warm scented smell like vanilla, she grabbed my hand and said this is yours and always will be.. we all  will forever  be yours but I need to leave for two days at least baby,

With that she left with our babies and she walked out of my  life until she feels like she doesnt have stress.

What kind of man am I ? ! Getting on my knees I cry out to the Lord to help me and bring my wife and children back to me!!

Sorry guys I haven't written anything for a while but im super busy with school and keeping my grades where I want them. I will be writing more on the weekend wen I have time :)

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