5 months later..

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Joels pov

It's been five months now. I have fully recovered from  everything that happened, but I still feel so hurt and depressed. I guess it's because Kiara was also in the hospital not just because of her passing out it was because of to much stress. At first the doctor thought she may have been pregnant but in my head im thinking that was the most craziest thing ever considering we never had sex together!!  but anyways that got ruled out.

  i brushed my dirty blonde hair and pulled on a pair of red gym shorts and i decided to rock my bare chest. . I was idk afraid of today maybe because I was planing on trying to plan our wedding TODAY WITH Kiara!!! just as i pulled out my phone to call my boy my baby walked in. ..   I let my glossy brown eyes wonder to the floor as i walked up to her. As I did i wrapped my arms around her tightly but gentle but as i did i got pushed away and that made me feel very hurt i could feel my heart squeeze together and my eyes sting.Kiara saw this and bit her lip and closed her eyes while she sat down,she pulled me down to the floor and she told me that she needed space to think and she was thinking of going back to live with her parents. Idk but i let go of her hand and placed wedding pages and everything in front of her and I walked off with my heart growing empty as I made it to the bedroom. 

Kiara pov

When I saw my mistake i had just done I ran to our bedroom that was now decorated with a light brown covers and matching rugs then the wall was a bluish green color.  When i made ot in the door Joel was sitting on the floor with his head down and his arms covering his head I walked in slowly without closing the door and stooping down to his level and I unwrapped his hands and I kissed his forhead then I brushed our lips together and then connecting them once again but parting out lips and then before i knew it we were um basically making out.

Once we got down i ran to get the papers and i sat inbetween his legs and looked up at his face to ask why all the wedding things?

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he answered me by reaching for my hand and he asked me would I marry him again ? I laughed at the last part but quickly recovered

and I told him of course and in plus I think it's time to make this official .... I also wanted to get married in GERMANY!!!  I got up to grab my phone from the granite counter top to only find something I don't known a outline of a cat.... when I approached the front door swung it open and reaching to my heart and breathing it was only a little black kitten forgetting it was close to halloween I closed the door.

  Walking back into the house I proceeded to go to the kitchen, with everything going on I was a little disoriented. Taking a long sip of my sweat tea, I let out a loud sigh.While putting my head on my arms on the counter , I feel strong masculine arms grab my waist and turn me .

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