Fresh start

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   Kiara Pov

    After the twins were born Joel and I were happier than ever. I finally finished college and became a  pediatrician, I worked part time.

Hearing baby cries on the monitor, I jumped up. I was Half awake as I  semi ran to the twins room. It has been two years since I gave birth to them.

As I took them out of their cribs Gabriel started speaking in German while his sister giggled. As I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast I felt a pair of strong arms snake around my waist.

Good morning beautiful.

As a hint of a smile crosses my lips he starts to plant kisses along my neck.

Sitting down the plants on the table. And  putting the twins in the living room to eat on the carpet, the doorbell rang and Joel decided to get it.

Joels POV

Since my wife was doing so much,i jogged to the door to answer. When I opened the door all I could think about was protecting my family.

Hello Joel, its been a while baby.

Synthia,there was never a us. I was young and you were older we used each other that's it. I never want to be associated with you or your kind again.

But, baby what we had was toxic.

As those words slide through her  teeth out her mouth I almost blew up until my wife showed up beside me.

Joel love, who is this ?

No one Kiara. My wife looked upset or hurt and I knew I needed to make it up to her, but this woman at my door step caused my whole life to be a total disaster  I won't let her mess up something we just fixed.

Sorry guys for not updating in a while. School was a bit frustrating, I hope you guys enjoy the upcoming news you will find about Joel and his old ex. PLS COMMENT VOTE SUBSCRIBE!! I LOVE YOU ALL FOR READING AND VOTING AND SUBSCRIBING IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME.

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