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Sitting on the bed waiting for Joel to get off the phone i relaxed and played candy crush.When Joel came back  he had a sad expression on his face and I went over to him and i rubbed my hand up and down his face and asked what was the matter.He smiled,and just told me nothing and held my hand and asked if i was ready. I was kind of upset but i replied with a smile anyways and said yes.

For some reason i felt very sick maybe i was just tired.. I walked out the castle with Joel and i felt the sun beaming on my skin.

  Joels' pov

I got a phone call from my boy tay instead of my bro.Tay told me that people back home well Kiaras' home were protesting on about our relationship don't get me wrong but these people are crazy as heck.He also told me that Alexes' friends said they will be back and ready.  All i could honestly think about was my beautiful angel and she looked glowy today and the though of my wife being pregnant and someone trying to harm her. .. idk i just i will do anything to protect her. I noticed her staring at me and she smiled when i met her eyes. As i picked her up she giggled and buried her face in my neck, and i laughed at her cute giggle. After walking for a little we finally made it to the park,  it was a bit chilly considering it was the month of October.I was so breath taken by her smile, her personality, the way she talked, and the love i she gave me,she pulled me close to the pond and we decided to watch the fish swim around until she got sick..

Keke pov'

  I felt so weird and i didn't know what was going on.So i grabbed Joel by the hand and i told him something was wrong so he grabbed me and ran me to the castle entrance, but i shook my head and ran to the nearest garbage can. Before i could reach the trash can all the way. .. I lets just say i threw up.

One of the maids came and helped me right a long with Joel. I appologized so many times the woman just simply said it was ok and go get some rest, and she will bring me some soup and a glass of sweat tea. .. I have no idea how the woman knew i was craving that but wow she was good.

When we got to our room I fell right asleep in his arms. I awoke with the smell of soup and something sweat smelling,an Joel of course was scared and didn't understand so be just laid beside me and held me while i slept.

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