Chapter 3

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Hey guys , I hope u like my writing and thanks for reading it makes me soo happy .Please vote and leave comments and tell me what u think Hey guys, I hope u like my writing and thanks for reading it makes me soo happy. Please vote and leave comments and tell me what u think.

     When I got was about to get in my car the bus came and I just decided to get in since my friends were shouting and calling my name like wild monkeys.. all I could was laugh and feel sorry for the poor bus driver. When  I got on the bus my friends CC ,Kam'Ron , Cameron , Janelle , and Austin were like dang  mammie  got azz lool and I we all started laughing and I sat next to Janelle she's my home girl. She tells me everything when i mean everything I mean to the teachers kissing a student to hearing moaning coming the bathroom stall and most of all she tells me what people say about me and for that we cool as ever . Apparently we all had on sweat pants and the guys had on basketball shorts so we were like fitness in the houuuuse although we all hated gym but we sure did like the talking. When we got off the bus everyone stared at us and looked away I asked Janelle what was all that for and she told me that they knew about my engagement and they think u pregnant girl I was like not my girl she would have told me and besides she been engaged u stupid mofos smh people these days, I laughed at my friends half ghetto talk and CC mocking her. When we got in the class my math teacher told us to get with our partners and open our books up to page 80 and it was so much algebra I wanted to throw up but since I was passing with a high B it was ok my partner was Austin he is so freaking cute he has light blonde hair and pretty brown eyes that shimmer in the light and perfect light tan I mean and to top it off he's like 5'2 but I cant talk i'm 5'3 .


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