It's Getting Hard chp 5

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When I heard those words come out of his mouth I was so intrigued and so scared and nervous at the same time, it's like I knew this already but just my parents also knew and they are already pressing me to be an engineer and it's not something I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't know, I just felt like they needed to let me become a woman. I'm still their baby but a grown one, and I need to make mistakes and learn by them. I need to fully give my love for Joel or our love will be back to where it came years ago, nowhere. When I didn't respond to his words he called my name a few times I didn't realize I was thinking a lot for 3 or 4 minutes, oops... Once I got my voice back I told him, "I know that you would give your life for mine and wouldn't want to be on this Earth without me, but we have to make it trough I mean we have to push through my parents and maybe your mom when she sees how my parents (mom) treat you. I can't loose you again, honey. I just can't I need you. I - I - I don't know what to do without you we planned to spend the rest of our lives with each other and I mean that dang it we worked to hard for people to throw us back down. I have had enough, no one is getting in our way." With all of that said we said our goodnights and I changed into my grandmother's shirt she gave me and it had grandmother written in gold and red sparkly ink on it with a beautiful rose. As I was getting into the bed I noticed that someone was fussing down stairs I crept down to the staircase and I saw my mom with my dad and oh baby I never thought I would say this but dam** my mom was saying she was pregnant and she was!

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