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As I nodded rrying regain my voice , he smirked and said oh outside weddings are a but over rated. You always said you wanted something small, elegant, and breath taking . His lips only inches from mine wanting him so badley but rememberibg wedding then "get out of your mihd lol."

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I snapped back into reality once I felt Joels' hand smack my ass and oh my gosh did it hurt. He saw that it got my attention and ran and locked the door in the room all the while yelling I love you so much baby .... and did I forget to mention that your family is coming over in five hours. I stopped running towards the door and I thought about how I have to mop, clean the kitchen , dust, and omg why me ! Joel unlocked the door and saw the worry in my eyes only to be replaced with excitement ... soon as his butt opened the door I ran and jumped on him making his balance go wrong , all the while im laughing my butt off at the dude.

        2 hours ltr

  I have cleaned the whole house with ths help of my man . Thank gosh he isn't lazy ,because my a** would have been in trouble ... trouble .We decided to relook at the wedding things . We decided to have on having a outdoor wedding in my parents yard because its so big and it's cheap lol.I was thinking about getting my pastor to marry us and well the color of my dress would be whute with a little bling on the top to my waist making the dress out standing .I want the guys to wear black tux and orange vest, the flower girls are going to have on a white dress with ruffles at the bottom with the orange decorating the middle and little flowers inside the ruffles which will be orange.WOW THIS IS SO MUCH ! grrr but ok my brides maid will be deve, briana, and shun. my junior brides maid will be Jamiyah , Skyler, and Mariah. ook that's done ooh yeah oh wait dresses oh well man lol we have to go pick out theres.  Ok half of that completed .Oops forgot the most important part .. We are getting married in 3 weeks , im so scared and excited to be with the man I love and just give him the best family.

  Everyone arrived in Lubeck, Germony at around 7 in morning , goodthing we wake up early and I dont sleep hard. Hearing the knocking on the door just to make sure it was no one that I didn't invite. So I told Joel to come with.Hearing that it was indeed my dad an mom arguing I just laughed and opened the door revealing my glowing mom still from her pregnancy and my mom favorite little cousins Jamiyah and Mariah , and of course my crazy baby uncle , his mom which is my granny and then pawpa , and then my dads mom an dad omg I love my granny flo jo her nickname.I let everyone in and hugged everyone especially my two babies.Everyone went into the living room and Joel and the guys put the luggage in the spare room and the guest bedroom .I forgot to tell everyone we remodeled the house a bit , but anyways I sat down with all the woman and youngsters and everyone was speechless and I was the first to speak asking how everyone was and how the pregnancy was going .. and I was asking question to question wow I missed my well lol our family .

  My mom notices that im glowing and everyone else does I guess and asks omg did you an or are you Pregn... I stopped everyone in the tracks and said no guys im actually well ..Calling Joels name he was already there with his tall slender body behind me waiting for the guys to get back I guess .... and after everyone was seated we both blurted out we were getting married and everyones eyes bulged an my mom started crying and hugging us ( wow her hormones are jacked the freak uuup.) and Jamiyah put a fake smile on her lips an I knew her to well but Riri ( Mariah ) ran and hugged Joel before me I was like really lol and everyone laughed. When it was around 6pm they were exhuasted and they let my mom and dad have the spare room and my grandparents on my dads side got the other room and remembering we have two spare beds well one is a water matress lol um dont ask...

When everyone was in bed I found Miyah (jamiyah) sitting on the bed she hasnt said one word since we annouced we were getting married . asked if she would come here and talk to me please. She walked out the room with her head down not looking at me and since I was very petite and she was getting taller it looked really funny.I said, Look baby girl im not going anywhere if you wanted to see me sweet heart heck I wanted to see you and the rest of my my family , but it was to dangerous and I couldnt risk you getting hurt baby girl.Whipping awzy her tears she hugged me tight and said she missed me. I held on to her so tight and I felt her body become wobbly and I knew she probably fell asleep she alwats does tbat when she tired and talking with friends or family.I asked Joel to carry her back to water bed to sleep .

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