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Kiara pov

Janelle started shouting coming out of the kitchen saying, "Kiara, girl I was about to co-"

I shook my head signaling her to hush while I  too deep breaths; while I looked at my now bigger hands that matched the rest of my now aching body I replied with a sigh,"Oh um sorry girly... I just I am feeling so blue, you know when we were teens and I got bullied 24/7 and no one knew it took such a toll on me because I held it in and I cried all the time then there was cutting and.. well doesn't matter now."

As Janelle rested her hand on my back she looked back and said she spent to much time and needed to get back home to cook dinner.

After she left and locked the door I stood before a tall slender frame and instantly knew it was my husband. He reached his arms out for me to step into his strong frame but instead I just looked at the floor and a single tear slid from my eyes so gently and easily as it landed on the floor leaving my hard wood floor with a small wet puddle.

Kiara," I know I wasn't there when you were younger and I hated not being there to hold and protect you from the world, and I failed at being the guy you needed then and i beat myself up it about everyday knowing I wasn't good enough for you .. and to cause you pain from our relationship back then was so painful to know someone can make you happy more than I can and will make you smile instead of cry... baby girl I love you and our growing babies and i will never try to hurt you nor leave you." Grabbing me by my waist he pulled me as close as he could get with my protruding stomach he leaned forward and looked into my dark brown eyes and he softly kissed my round cheeks, nose,  eyes lids , then to my awaiting lips he parted his lips and he started to softly peck my lips softly only to end in a steamy make out session.


After Joel and I made love we slept for a few hours until my phone started to vibrate terribly on the night stand. Groaning, I finally roll onto my side to grab my phone that was flashing and jumping slightly; answering the phone I spoke tiredly into the phone trying to keep my voice at a low sound not to wake Joel a voice answered I didn't recognize at the moment

Tay : " Kiara ,Hello are you there ?!"

Kiara: "Um, wha-?"

Tay: "Kia, get up this is  important !"

Kiara :" Ok ,what is going on and where do I need to be ?"

Tay:" Grandma is*breaks down crying *"

Kiara: "Its ok i'll be there ok."

End of Call

Shaking Joel to get up I ready myself for what might happen, seeing him respond I told him to get up take a quick shower and brush teeth we have to go to hospital, and that instantly got him up.

Joel," Yes, baby is everything ok are you ok are the babies ok?"

I responded by saying, "yes we are ok baby we just need to get to hospital because my grandma might be well we don't know yet..."

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