The day begins

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 The day begins

When I was walking into the school everyone was crying or either had sad expressions covering their faces. When I walked up  to my group (Kam'ron, Cameron, CC, Janelle, and Austin) they all stared at me and CC and Janelle were crying and said, "Keke a guy just shot a teenager and the teenager was black," and I ran up to my friends and hugged them but I didn't understand why they were crying I know its sad and its pretty jacked up but... that's when Austin came up and whispered in my ear that some black teens including some of CC friends and Janelle's got in a fight with some of the Caucasians and our school isn't the type to be racist. So when Austin finished telling me what happened my eyes stung with concern and disappointment. Once my mom got the news from some of the teachers and told my math teacher off she told all my friends to get in the car and she would take them over my house. As I got into my mamas' car I texted Joel and told him everything and he replied saying he would be right there.

  When we arrived at my casa everyone went in and sat on the sofa and turned on twilight ( my favorite movie  by the way ) I went inside the kitchen to start on some hot chocolate and open a thing of fresh doughnuts we brought yesterday .When everything finished I was getting napkins and placing doughnuts on them when  I felt strong muscular arms snake around my waist and pull me close to feel his chest against my  back and i slowly turned around I snuggled close to Joel and before I knew it I was crying and staining his shirt with my salty stressful tears . He whispered sweet things in my ear and rubbed the small of my back softly and gently .

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