Pregnant oor?

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Joel Pov

Waking up to my phone ringing I realize that my mom and my mother in-law were suppose to be doing this family get together.

I answered to the familiar voice of my mom and taking note of kias mom in the back ground

Kias mom : Hey honey how are you two?ooo did you kids use protection? or are you planing on havig kids soon?

me: Uum I um well um well hey you guys. .

me: Guys we will be home in two days so and give her time to rest.She has been very idk sick or something.

me: Well i. .. oops i gatta go bye love y'all.

Kiara Pov

Waking up on a warm,sunny day made my dad.

I heard my hubby on the phone with someone but I wasn't sure so

When i got up i had the worst feeling.When I was going to the bathroom I could feel myself getting sick.

Running to the toilet it felt like i threw up everything in my stomach before I could

get up I did it again and this time Joel came in,  

he my hair and smoothed it out of my face. While I was finished he rubbed my back in circular motions.

I felt so weak and faint I could barely get up.If it he wouldn't have helped me up wow .. I would have been in trouble. 

When I finally stood up straight I brushed my teeth and Joel had to help me in the shower. 

I turned around to lay my head on my hubbys' chest , when I was close to him my stomach I don't know ... It ,something kicked and he felt it.

When we got out of the shower Joel had a glint of joy in his eyes and in mine were scared and happy.

We packed everything and scheduled a doctors appointment.Since we were leaving early we had half our money back from our trip in the castle,and we took the earliest flight back to Alabama.

* Day 2 *

Joel and I made it back to our home in Mobile . We took a little nap and woke back up to get my check up. 

We drove Joels white BMW.As we drove to the doctors office we heard Aaliyahs song "Come Over" I started to sing the song  

and I think i felt my baby kick inside of me ..

Joel looked over because I stopped singing , He saw my pause and grabbed my hand and said ,"Baby I love you and our child we made , we aregoing to be the best parents Kiara ."

10 min Later*

10 min later we arrived at the doctors office.

I actually noticed my stomach grew a little.  

When we were walking in the doctors office I turned around and I became scared. 

Joel was very confused and worried,he looked at me and grabbed my arm .

He knew exactly what I was thinking." Kia hun stop stressing ok , we are going to have a healthy baby and a very sexy healthy momma ." Smiling at me an bent down to kiss me. 


Signing in I sit down and relax beside my baby.

The room was decorated with lime green pant and baby posters , it also had roses and sun flowers..

Kinda odd to me but ok lol , I thought to myself.

After sitting there for maybe 5 or 10 min I hear my name , thinking it was the nurse calling me to see my doctor...

It turned out to be Janelle and Cierra.

I sat there staring an bewildered , with my mouth wide open.

They walk up to me and they all shout my name

although I was right there .

Before I could say anything I saw ... Alex and Camron!!!!

Alex : Hello Kiara

Kiara: *staring bewildered * Joel stepped in front of me and told alex to back freak up !

Joel honey please calm down .

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