Chapter 2

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When Joel returned I showed him the messages and it looked like he was about to explode I mean i've never seen him angry before it was so unusual when he gave me my phone back he looked my eyes and asked me if still had feelings for him, and it was as if he was going to cry.  

I placed my hands gently on his face cupping it. I look into his eyes and I told him no and I placed my lips onto his and I started to kiss him slowly and passionately. I let my hand travel behind his head as his hands went to my backside It was as if I melted into his body. He smelled like axe and cinnamon when I came closer to his body, he loved to pick me up so I had my legs around his waist and he kissed me more frantic and rough and just when things were getting hot we stopped like always he always obeys by my rules and one rule is no sex until marriage.

Joels pov 

Kiara knew how much I wanted her with me forever and how much I wanted and will protect her. As I lay beside her on the sofa she puts her head on my thigh and drifts off . I start to think about what if she lost the love for me or the attraction for me like she had done a long time ago. As I thought more and more my boy called daddy d and no I didn't put that in my phone the lil stupid azz did it and I answered very soft so I wouldn't wake her up she slept so cute she smiled in her sleep and her hair got in her face and her pony tail was a tight one. I got up and walked to the kitchen and I asked daddy d (aka shuan ) what was up he told me that Keke's mom was talking and she said she hopes Keke is pregnant and thats the only reason ur with her and man I mean I don't know where the hate came from all a sudde . I could feel my jaws clenching and my veins were bulging a bit I just needed to calm down but I wanted her to be happy and safe not humiliated by my race I love her so much I would throw away my happiness for her to be that way. Not meaning to say that out loud shuan sighed through the other end of the phone and he told me to stay breezy. When I turned around keke was there crying and she looked so upset and hurt. "What did you hear honey?"

kiara pov  

Joels pov 

Kiara knew how much I wanted her with me forever and how much I wanted and will protect her .As I lay beside her on the sofa she puts her head on my thigh and drifts off . I start to think about wat if she lost the love for me or the attraction for me like she had done a long time ago. As I thought more and more my boy called daddy d and no I didnt put that in my phone the lil stupid azz did it and I answered very soft so I woukdnt wake her up she slept so cute she smiled in hee sleep and her hair got in her face and her pony tail was a tight one . I got up and 2alked to the kitchen and I asked daddy d (aka shuan ) wat was up he told me that kekes mom was talking and she said she hopes keke is prego and thats the only reason ur with her and man I mean I dont know where the hate came from all a sudden . I could feel my jaws clentching and my veins were bulging a bit I just needed to calm down but I wanted her to be happy and safe not humilated by my race I love her so much I would throw away my happiness for her tobbe that way . Not meaning to say that out loud shuan sighed through the other end of the phone and he told me to stay breezy . When I turned around keke was there crying and she looked so upset and hurt .. what did u hear honey.

kiara pov  

Don't worry about it Joel I mean why didn't you tell me my parents where saying this shizz I mean no Joel do not touch me don't freaking touch me as I shed more and more tears I went to the bathroom and closed it and cried until I felt a pair of strong arms carrying me close to their body I figured it was him because of his smell I was so upset not about him not telling me but because my parents would say that about him all he did was try to make them love him (us) he went to back to high school and got his Ged and went to college after all of that I mean now he is a engineer and he has his jui jitsui club I mean I just don't get it... I guess I was talking a loud and Joel was soothing me to sleep and he kissed me and told me It was going to be alright and he said he was going to drove me home which he did when I woke but I was so shot I didn't care what my parents said at that moment anyways .

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