here comes drama :-*

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Just when we got done eating our frozen yogurt I grabbed my book bag purse that I got from the coach out lit . Joel came across my side of the table and took my hand and when we turned for the door someone was coming in... and you wouldn't believe who walked in hand in freaking hand , Lord knows I wanted to whoop some mixed booty but I stayed calm and I kept my cool I looked up to Joel and he had a blank expression on his beautiful face his eyes turned to a dark brown and he clenched his jaw every second or two . Man if I didn't know any better I would have beat some black *** today but be happy I know the word !!! I started to notice his hand was starting to sweat in mine and his veins werne popping out his arm and I was getting a little nervous and I gripped his hand tighter and walked him outside . Joel honey u can't let them get to you , your stronger than he will ever be . Be the better man honey and walk away . Joel looked into my eyes and said only for you Kiara but if he calls you out of your name I will hurt him baby . Before i could react to his words he crushed his lips into mine and gripped my waist and he let go and I understood why he did it Alex was heading our way I told Joel it was time to go .

   I reached my hand to Joels face and I pulled him close and my warm breath swirled by his ear and I told him we needed to go before he lost his temper .When I was getting in the car , I noticed as Joel was getting into the driver seat he had a deep stab  wound and he looked at me with his eyes watering whispering he loved me and he didn't disrespect my wish for us to leave before he could say another word  I pushed open the door and I saw no one so I took Joel out of the car and supported his head with my jacket in the back and tore of his shirt and pressed it to his oozing wound and I told him to relax and breath . I got out my phone and dialed 911 and soon I heard police sirens and ambulances the paramedics rushed to his side and scooped him up and my eyes filled with salty tears and realization that he was hurt badly it wasn't just one stab wound he had one on his back and stomach . Everything was going in slow motion all I knew i was slowly losing reality and I collapsed on the ground all I remember was seeing people rushing to me in a blur .....

Wat do u guys think about this chapter ? and oh wat do think should happen between alex and joel should e walk away frm alex or fight ?comment and vote please thanks

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